Regarding the new version 1.8x, great!
There is one feature that could use some further work. The Quick Save, and Save Messages - it's still NOT that helpful for me, even though the Quick Save window was enlarged, I really need a SEPARATE Message title (that only Admin sees), instead of using the Subject: as the title...
Here's why... I send out a message that has the exact same Subject yet, the text inside the message is different, there's NO good way to keep track of this, the solution would be to offer an Admin Title: that is used to load the Quick Save messages and that is displayed in the Quick Save box, what you could do is just COPY it from the Subject, when Admin enters a subject, then let the Admin change it if they need to - I can keep it with the Subject for some of the messages, but others, I'm going to require a separate Admin title.
What do you think? Can this be added to the next version? How's it going, when will we see the next release?