1. Is your software capable of determining a hard bounce versus a soft bounce?
As it stands ALL returned messages are recorded as hard bounces. There are
ways to "skip" bounces containing certain strings, which can be useful on some servers where they send, for example, a message warning the sender (ListMail) that the message was not delivered but will be retried.
2. I think your software is capable of removing users who bounced x-amount of times right? How does it do this if bounces are difficult to measure?
The email address is not as difficult to detect because it comes back with the bounce. (Bouncing server is supposed to send the original message back in its entirety) While most servers will return the original "To:" header, some servers are not as reliable at returning "Custom" headers such as might be use to store the message ID.
3. By the way, where do we set the # of bounces to turn an active user to bounce status?
Near the bottom of the Configuration page.
4. By the way 2, when is the next update scheduled to be launched?
When it's done and thoroughly tested.
I have made much progress in the last couple weeks and when I'm done support today and in the following days and weeks am continuing work on it.