I've been working on LMP every free moment since I last wrote. Everything is being improved for the next update (2.0?). So far:
- new style to all pages as I go, style sheet will be modifiable
+ I have decided against showing all "sub pages" in the left menu - the redesign looks VERY much like the old one, it's just wider and cleaner.
- restructured message code editing page code (it was a complete disaster that was very difficult to work on)
- a MySQL database stats/analysis/optimize/repair page.
- backup page redesign within new style + a couple fixes
- message code viewing and editing new style + new options
+ live preview (3s interval) of certain message codes
- more I'm forgetting..

tons to come - I'm very excited to be improving LMP.
One thing I am concerned about being well received is a change in the way all tables are viewed. No longer will everything be editable with input boxes on the main browsing pages - it's far too clunky. You will have to click "Edit", which may in fact become a text link instead of a button. Lines have less height (more information, less scrolling), alternating row colours, etc. I am open to suggestions such as a "Save & Go Back" button on the edit page to make small edits with the new design easier. I know this way is better (every single site does it this way) - it's straightforward and fast, and gives more room for expansion, and I know I can make it look good, too.

I still don't quite understand your request.
I sell about 20-30 products, so people get mad when they receive promotions for something that they have already purchased
that way if someone bought the next one coming up in the list, move them ahead to the next one in the sequence...
So you have one followup sequence promoting many products in order - is that right? You want to specify "key followups" to jump the user ahead to when a sale is made.
What you want to do could be possible already. Why not use a different list for each product with a separate followup sequence?
Whenever a product is purchased and processed it could check the ListMail database for that email address. If the user is on the list promoting that product, move them to the end of the sequence, then this "Additional Option" could take effect:
Move users who reach end of followup sequence to list # seq # delay #
Can it be guaranteed that users will only buy products that have previously or are currently being marketed to them? What happens if they buy something 3 products
There must be some solution that is not quite as frustrating as what was determined when we first looked at this.