Author Topic: LMP Progress  (Read 8644 times)


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LMP Progress
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2006, 06:08:58 am »

Yes, I totally agree with idea provided by webshaman.

Thanks... I hope DW will implement it.... here's something else to think about...  earlier in this thread I said:
over time you will see many more sales (perhaps 50%-75% more, or even more),

Now that I think about it, it's much higher than that, if you're not doing ANY email marketing now - you could see easily a 5-10 times increase in your sales - did you get that DW - 500% to 1000% increase, for example if you're selling 5 copies of LMP/month, you could be selling 25 to 50 copies of LMP/month!

Figure that out and you will qiuckly see - you NEED to do this NOW, not wait around and do anything else - do it NOW, and as bhl007 said:
IF you don't have much time to write, you can just go to elance to hire somebody to do web copywriting and email sales letter for you.

Get it done, and you'll see things change - but stay patient it isn't going to happen overnight - you need to build up your list - the problem is you've waited years to do that!

Here's a phrase from the marketing world: The guy with the biggest list wins."   That will give you an idea, you need 1,000's of people to market to - to get them to buy, and to have a collection of people you can market different ideas to - whenever you want, so say that 1 year from now - you want to offer a 'plug-in' that does something special in LMP - market it to your list of 10,000 people - guaranteed - you'll get buyers... but you HAVE TO HAVE the list first....

Think of it this way DW, you are doing it all Backwards, you don't have a list at all - go to ALL of your competitors as mr.trevor said:
I think this must be the only mail software that I originally considered that does not have a mailing list.
 You will see - I'll bet you are the only one marketing mailing list software that doesn't even use it for their own business!  

THAT - is outrageous....  

Good luck - we're always here to help you...  but do it NOW, this week, TODAY, don't wait around and do something else...


*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
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LMP Progress
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2006, 08:23:21 am »
Hi DW,

but do it NOW, this week, TODAY, don't wait around and do something else...

What does your lack of reply, or changes on your website mean?  Have you given up on LMP?  Why have you not even put up your new website design - that is better than what you have now?  Why not just put up a simple Subscribe form - BEFORE letting someone see the full demo?

All these questions leave me curious?  Are you going to move forward with LMP - or are you trying to work on your service based subscriber website?

Whatever you choose - good luck - but it would be nice to know - so I can think about what to expect in the future - as you know I need Split Testing, I need better Link Tracking (through to sale), and I need the ability to loop a subscriber to any point in the list, not just the first message - I'm sure others up here need these as well...

Please let us all know what you are doing????  I think we deserve it...

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
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LMP Progress
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2006, 04:37:29 am »
Hi Brett,

Sorry for the lack of update. I'm working away on the followup series.  It's been a bit of a challenge as I refine and explain my knowledge and tactics.  I'm confident I can finish it and make it work.  I'm excited about the possibilities of using ListMail. :)   The new site still needs some work - I haven't quite finished the new online help, have the two banners to show up top and need to finish the admin-side of the new tech support system. I'm still receiving a fair amount of attention with the old site so figured I'd do the followup sequence first as you recommended.  I really appreciate your excellent suggestion - it definitely got my attention.  I hope to have something to show for it soon and also look forward to finishing the new site!

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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LMP Progress
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2006, 06:14:00 am »
Hi DW,

Best of luck on the updates - get it done fast... I thought the new website was done, the link you posted looks fine - why not use it?  

Just a quick note, I saw some info on how Amember handles support, perhaps you should follow it?
   Support:   Support is available through a ticket system for those with a       current subscription to the support/download area. When          you purchase a copy of aMember Pro you will have 6          months access to this area. At anytime in the future you          can subscribe to this area for an additional 6 months for          $40. Additional support and information is provided          through the aMember forums which are open to all visitors.

I believe you could boost your income this way for sure... consider it...
and best of luck on the updates.

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
Contact me through my website (above)


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LMP Progress
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2006, 08:55:59 am »
I like the idea of general support being open to all (at no charge) with some 'preferential' service charged to those that have specific 'out of the ordinary' requests that require additional work to assist.

Seems like a good compromise of free help from other users and occasionally DW but allowing some in depth paid support for tweaking specific features as required by the few more demanding users.

It is an enormous benefit that DW is available to answer those very specific and specialised problems that demanding users could not get with any other system. DW does charge (sometimes) for his dedicated help but often his time does seem to be given freely.

Of course the work done does give additional facilities to ListMailPro which keeps it ahead of the competition and attracts new customers especially as once 'on board' they also benefit with upgrades.

Most users only need pointing in the right direction to the help files when they start out.

Good idea..!