I fixed this - it wasn't due to anything browser related. This only affected "Search" type rules with anything other than "Exact" or "Any" as a search preference. The data was being saved correctly and then still displayed correctly until the page was browsed 'away' from... Only when
loading was the problem apparent. The data is all there but the display wasn't being updated properly. The problem wasn't happening when editing the selection rules because data is passed around 'dynamically' without the need to save - it's hard to explain.
I made some changes so that all 'dynamic' data is cleared when saving/reloading just as if loading it for the first time. Now, "what you see is what you get" whether you're saving or loading new. If there are any more bugs similar to this one they should show up right away, when you save, without having to go back and reload the set.
Will be fixed in v1.87, out soon.