Hi Allen,
What am I missing?
Here's exactly what you are missing, and why you, or others can't see this is beyond me.
If I have 10 products (prod1, prod2, ... etc, prod10).
Your system works - EXCEPT for one major flaw, the flaw is this. I want my prospects to be MOVED UP in the list to the next product that is poromoted AFTER they have purchased any product. This can ONLY be handled with ONE LIST, and with a field in the list that tracks WHICH PRODUCT the customer has purchased (somewhere in a custom field for the customer).
(*Keep in mind, my list CYCLES, so the user could be anywhere in the list, or they could be cycled back to prod1, after having seen the prod10 promotion.)
Here's a very detailed example. Customer starts the list, gets promoted to for prod1, then prod2, (CUSTOMER PURCHASES prod3), let's say for the purpose of example, this customer has already cycled through the list and not purchased anything the first time round - but they saved the emails with the promotions... AFTER the customer received their prod2 promotion - they purchase prod3, and get even more excited and go through their old promotion emails even further and also purchase prod4 and prod6 (and YES this really does happen). NOW - here's exactly what needs to happen, this customer has purchased:
prod3, prod4, prod6 (but they are currently on seq prod2 - ready to be moved up to prod3).
Using your example of 1 product/day (which is not likely in my scenario anyway, but I'll use it), instead of this prospect receiving prod3 promotion tomorrrow, they now need to receive prod5 promotion, after prod5 promotion they need to receive prod7 promotion.
As you can see - there is
NO WAY you can handle this simply with 10 different lists, here's why, let's say you had
If you remove the user from lists prod3, prod4, prod6, that user (IN YOUR EXAMPLE) would NOT receive their next promotion until prod5 (which is 3 days away), and not anywhere near the correct sequence (this is probably fine for 1 day delays - but expand your thinking, my delays are 3-4 weeks, using this example they would miss 9-12 weeks of promotions waiting for their prod5 promotion, as they would be skipping prod3 and prod4.
So (using your way of doing it Allan), EVEN IF you had a script to look say, they bought a product, you would need to know they bought 2 products, or 3 products AND THEN you would need to move that user ahead the number of products they bought (from the current day -> to the next prod promotion day FOR the total number of products they have bought today), secondly, you'd have to save this information somewhere, AND your script would have to remember that they bought prod3, and prod4 ON THE SAME DAY (and NOT on different days), so that you could advance your Seq# and Del# the correct number of days....
If you think this IS a convenient way to do this, I'd sure like to see your script - and while your at, ALL OF THE TIME - think about how much easier it would be managing TWO LISTs - and not 20 LISTs as you propose - and by the way, I have nearly 30 products, so as I add more products your methods require double the number of lists, over and over again, imagine 100 products, you'd need 200 lists!
Do you REALLY, REALLY think this is efficient way to handle it?
Let me explain (for about the TWENTY-FIFTH time) WHY (and how) you could do this very easily with one list. You simply add ONE FIELD, that's it ONE FIELD to the Followup Database, that field is called Campaign (which in our example above would contain prod1, prod2, etc - but always ONLY one CampaignID for each followup - so for example the first Followup in the list would have "prod1" in it's CampaignID field, the second would have "prod2" in it's field, etc..), and could be used to tie any Followup sent out - to a specific campaign, then what you do - is you use ONE SINGLE FIELD in your Custom Customer Fields to store your campaigns that user has purchased (for example see above - it would contain "prod3,prod4,prod6," exactly like that).
Now, what you do when the user purchases, you add the CampaignID to the Custom Customer field every time the user purchases - so that you can get a record of the past purchases - NOW that you have that simple thing setup (1 field added to the Followup table, and 1 custom customer field used for purchases), when you run your DAILYMAIL function, you add an 'extra' script (or whatever it's called) that also runs with DAILYMAIL - LMP is currently already setup to do this... When the extra script runs - it looks at the current sequence the user is on (prod2 would be correct in our example), and it looks at the NEXT COMING FOLLOWUP (prod3 in our exampe) at the newly added campainID field for the correct campaign (if it finds a match with this campaign, "prod3" in our example, IN the Custom Customer field) where you store the purchased campaigns - indicating that customer has already purchased that product, instead of going to the next product in the sequence (prod3 in our example) this user now needs to be moved up to the next Seq# after prod3, (continue doing this until there is NO MATCH in the custom customer field). When you have cycled through the upcoming Followups and NOT FOUND a campaignID that matches a campaign in the custom customer field, you know the user is setup to receive the next upcoming product that they HAVE NOT PURCHASED, and continue correctly on in the list, the script may need to run through 2, 3, 4 or 10 next followups looking for one that the user HAS NOT PURCHASED and set them up for that Seq# in the list (it also needs to loop if the Followups are setup to loop), also the script needs to do one other thing - WHEN THE Customer has purchased every single product in the list of all products in the Followup Sequence (as it currently stands), the User can be removed from the list entirely, or be added to a different list of 'SUPER Purchasers' or something similar...
I hope I'm VERY Clear this time, don't make me repeat this a million times, as it will be very inefficient, just as your method of using 20 different lists to promote 10 different products is inefficient...
