Hi DW,
I believe an HTML editor (wsywig or not) is NOT something that should be part of LMP. Think about it, anyone using the software probably already has a decent editor, why try to include it - it's like 'throwing in the kitchen sink' - it's not needed, not important and more work for you DW.
With all due respect I have to politely disagree with this statement. That's like saying everyone who knows how to use email also knows html. Simply not true. With a wysiwyg editor the average user would be empowered to send html emails instead of being stuck with plain text.
Even if you know html and have a decent editor it is a pain to create emails in your editor, copy, paste, test, then edit again if there are errors. Ever heard of an Integrated Development Environment?
I just think this would be a HUGE selling point that would make more web developers want to promote LMP to their clients. I just can't imagine promoting this to my clients and saying "Oh by the way, you can only send plain text." It just wouldn't fly.
With a wysiwyg editor web developers could install this for their clients and hand it off to them so they could manage their own email campaigns. A whole new market of average users could be reached with a simple addition which really isn't that hard.
I've implemented DevEdit (link above) into my content management system and it was a piece of cake. You don't have to completely code the wysiwyg editor you just have to integrate it with your app. Not much work at all. I'm half tempted to dig into the LMP code and integrate DevEdit myself since I already have a license for both. :lol: