Author Topic: Email Web Hosting, Servers & Domains Reviewed  (Read 106881 times)


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From Dreamhost
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2007, 02:47:05 pm »
Here's what they wrote me about their policies- we can't use it because we don't do an opt-in confirmation because we've found that people want the email but can't be bothered to or can't always figure out how to just click on a link to confirm their subscription- they may not expect the confirmation requirement and then get mad they didn't receive their email.

We have initiated an anti spam trap of 100 emails per hour via SMTP and
200 emails per hour via SSH/script due to high levels of spam and
phishing coming from our servers.

If you plan to use this account for bulk email purposes (500/hr max), we
will  first need to ascertain that your usage is consistent with our
anti- spam policy, which you can review here:

The most important aspects of this policy, which we would like you to
address, are:

1. Whether or not you have used an opt-in confirmation process (not  to
be confused with regular 'opt-in') for all of your your list's
subscribers. This is a process wherein each person who signs up for  your
list is sent an email after subscribing with a tagged link in it  that
they must click on before being added to the list. Those who do  not
click on the link are not added, and receive no further bulk email.

2. Whether you log each confirmation with the date/time and IP   address
associated with that confirmation.

3. Where we may go to independently review your opt-in confirmation
logging data.

Also, we would like to know where we may sign up for your mailing  list
in order to test out its opt-in confirmation functionality.

If your bulk email usage is not in compliance with these policies, we
must ask that you cease any bulk email activity immediately until you
have become compliant. The highest limit we grant is 500/hr . If you need
to send more then that, you will need to throttle the sending. The
easiest way to do that is to use our  Announcement List feature, which
you can access here:

The Announcement List feature handles the opt-in confirmation and
logging aspects of the policy for you, so that you don't have to. There
is no limit/hr when using the Announcement List.



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Is Layered Tech still the recommended option?
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2007, 07:43:36 am »
What's the best way (currently) to go for one looking to send up to 500,000 e-mails per day? was given as an option.  Is that still recommended?  Does anyone here have experience with them?

Thanks :)


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DW, can you set me up on a dedicated server?
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2007, 11:21:05 am »
Hi DW,

I'd like to get set up on a dedicated server ASAP.  I have 12.5 MM fresh, surveyed leads I'd like to start working with.  I'd like you to configure it, please.  

I sent inquiries through the contact form you suggested in this thread on two occasions, but haven't heard back from anyone yet.

If possible, please call me to avoid tons of back-and-forth e-mails and posts, as I have quite a few questions, such as what is included in the $250 config and $35/month monitoring you mention.

Also wondering if is the best for a particular reason or if someone like, who I've had positive experience with in the past would be okay.




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Email Web Hosting, Servers & Domains Reviewed
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2007, 03:41:47 pm »
Hi Peter,

I fear the volume you intend to send is beyond ListMail and a standard dedicated server's capabilities.  I cannot recommend emailing more than about 100k-150k per day per dedicated server.  With a list as large as yours you will almost certainly receive a ton of complaints which can cause any service provider to discontinue your server.  Even with a list of 150k+, if the list is not 100% double opt-in from your web site, or all buyers of your products, complaints can be crippling.

List-washing, where you email the entire list hoping to figure out who wants your email, is not recommended as it is a common tactic used by spammers.  Soliciting confirmations without the user having signed up at your site is also not recommended.

If you bought your list there is the possibility of spam trap which is very bad for the server's reputation and can get you banned even more quickly. I apologize if I am being presumptuous but 99.9% of the time such large lists are a warning sign of an extremely low-quality and difficult-to-email list.  If this is 100% legitimate company email I must recommend a ListMail competitor because I cannot support such volume at this time.  (I would think it would take a small cluster of dedicated servers)

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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re: DW, can you set me up on a dedicated server?
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2007, 08:42:50 am »
Quote from: "DW"
Hi Peter,

I fear the volume you intend to send is beyond ListMail and a standard dedicated server's capabilities.  I cannot recommend emailing more than about 100k-150k per day per dedicated server.  With a list as large as yours you will almost certainly receive a ton of complaints which can cause any service provider to discontinue your server.  Even with a list of 150k+, if the list is not 100% double opt-in from your web site, or all buyers of your products, complaints can be crippling.

List-washing, where you email the entire list hoping to figure out who wants your email, is not recommended as it is a common tactic used by spammers.  Soliciting confirmations without the user having signed up at your site is also not recommended.

If you bought your list there is the possibility of spam trap which is very bad for the server's reputation and can get you banned even more quickly. I apologize if I am being presumptuous but 99.9% of the time such large lists are a warning sign of an extremely low-quality and difficult-to-email list.  If this is 100% legitimate company email I must recommend a ListMail competitor because I cannot support such volume at this time.  (I would think it would take a small cluster of dedicated servers)


Hi Dean,

I was going by what you said in your post here:

Dedicated Servers
"Dedicated servers are a sure way to keep an eye on your email delivery right down to the system level. You can achieve upwards of 500,000 messages per day from a properly-configured dedicated server (and proper 100% opt-in list). We configure Plesk-based (Fedora Core/Redhat/BSD/etc) servers for $250 and monitor them for $35/mo. (Note: Tons of extras:) ) Please contact us if you are interested in this service."

I'd go with whatever you felt was the maximum number of e-mails I could send without causing issues for the server.

These are legitimate leads,  many from a friend who has been in the business of providing solid leads to the MLM industry for over 26 years, so they are good, legitimate double opt-ins.  Some are surveyed leads.

If you can help me, that would be great.



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Email Web Hosting, Servers & Domains Reviewed
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2007, 02:51:15 pm »
Hi Peter,

I am a little exhausted from trying to get such large lists delivered.  Your list size means you need to contact Yahoo and, if they accept you for review, wait until they evaluate you (I've heard 10-14 days), before being able to be able to achieve maximum throughput.

Some reference on the subject:

I can set up your server and recommend sending ~100k/day until such a review takes place.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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re: DW, can you set me up on a dedicated server?
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2007, 03:14:35 pm »
Thanks, Dean.  That sounds perfect.

I'll review those links and get back to you soon.

Kind regards,


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Email Web Hosting, Servers & Domains Reviewed
« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2007, 05:50:54 am »
The following post detailing Postfix optimizations was split from this post:
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Thanks, Dean
« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2007, 05:58:13 am »
Hi Dean,

Tara is who I got the majority of my leads from.

But, God help me, in figuring out how to apply these patches and "hacks"!

That's why I need your help :)

So... beyond applying to get whitelisted by Yahoo!, how can I get started with you, pay you, etc?  

I obviously need to get the dedicated server set up first, so a few quick questions:

1. You suggested LayeredTech dedicated servers in a previous post.  Are the servers at better than, in your opinion, or vice versa, or it doesn't matter?  I have worked with ValueWeb in the past and had a good experience.

2. Also, you mentioned in another post that LayeredTech had some kind of a limitation.  Does ValueWeb appear to have the same limitation or no?

3. Which specific server package/configuration would you recommend?

Thanks a million!



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« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2007, 12:41:33 pm »
Hi Dean,

I hope you can respond to my last post here so I know how to proceed.

If you don't have time to get me set up, just let me know so I know to request help elsewhere.  I hope you can help me, though.

Thank you :)


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« Reply #25 on: August 04, 2007, 11:37:05 am »

We did, and it took all day to send 10,000 emails with me constantly watching it and re-starting.  Turns out they have a very low limit - maybe as low as 100 per hour.

Host the domains and websites with them by all means, but I chatted up Dean and pay him for hosting ListMail, and it has worked with just one click pretty much ever since!



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Re: 1and1
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2007, 09:54:52 am »
Quote from: "stevepett"

We did, and it took all day to send 10,000 emails with me constantly watching it and re-starting.  Turns out they have a very low limit - maybe as low as 100 per hour.

Host the domains and websites with them by all means, but I chatted up Dean and pay him for hosting ListMail, and it has worked with just one click pretty much ever since!



Can you let me know next steps, which server I should use, etc, so I can pay you and proceed with this?



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Email Web Hosting, Servers & Domains Reviewed
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2007, 06:36:47 am »
Hi Peter,

I apologize for the delay.  I unfortunately am just learning about the methods Tara has applied to email such a large list.  I also do not know which common hosting software offers Postfix which she uses.  (cPanel uses Exim, Plesk qmail) Server setup on a server without a control panel with unfamiliar software would be far more involved, and I wouldn't be able to guarantee anything...  I would not be able to guarantee it to be easy to add email, FTP accounts, DNS changes, etc.  I would have to charge $300-$350 as it would likely take several days to get everything right. Being that she is already familiar with a server configured with Postfix with high volumes of email, I wonder if Tara might be interested in taking this job on? :D

As for a server company I have heard many good things about Layered.  You may want to Google for "layeredtech banned for spam" and other queries to see how lenient they are with complaints.  It's also worth checking their knowledgebase/FAQ for their official server email policy, or even contacting a member of their sales team detailing your requirements.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Thanks, Dean
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2007, 08:25:37 am »
Hi Dean,

Great suggestions.

Thank you!


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Email Web Hosting, Servers & Domains Reviewed
« Reply #29 on: October 12, 2007, 07:39:09 am »
Hello everyone,

I just thought I would let you all know who I am hosting with.

I have been amazed at the performance of the VPS.  Multiple offerings.  Multiple control panel offerings.  Upgradeable.  Great service.

And believe it or not the list goes on even further than that.

Check out thier forums and what WHT has to say about them.

Good luck!