Author Topic: $smtp_timeout var in config.php  (Read 3030 times)


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$smtp_timeout var in config.php
« on: August 29, 2006, 07:48:05 am »

I just downloaded 1.87, assuming it's stable now, when I did of course I went looking for the stmp configuration  which caused so many problems for me in the last release, I don't find the configuration VAR in the config.php file, as you mention on your ListMail Changes page:
socket timeout is 9s, can set $smtp_timeout var in config.php to override

I see the line for it, but NOT in config.php, why is that?   Will you please update your config.php.txt file to indicate this?

Here's the line from admin.php:
Code: [Select]
global $smtp_timeout;

That needs to be indicated in config.php.txt, and it needs to be set to it's default which is 9.

As usual, then I wonder if there are OTHER changes you mention that never make it into the code?  Part of the reason I hold off for SO LONG to make the upgrade is because many times you miss these updates and it takes quite a while for someone to find ALL OF THE PROBLEMS - can you consider a BETTER WAY TO KEEP TRACK OF YOUR CHANGES - so I (and others) don't have to baby sit changes to the code every upgrade?

I would appreciate it!

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
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$smtp_timeout var in config.php
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2006, 09:42:27 am »

I simply forgot to add this one to config.php.txt.  Please be assured I make every effort to document all of my changes and the organization system has been successful for the most part.
Code: [Select]
// Per-message SMTP timeout in seconds, default 9
// This is because some servers spend too much time on bad DNS requests causing a MySQL error
// If a single message takes longer than this to send a reconnect will be issued.
// $smtp_timeout = 9;

Thanks for the heads-up, it will be in future versions.  Note that the default is 9 if the variable is not set or commented in config.php

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting