Author Topic: 550 Administrative Error  (Read 3285 times)


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550 Administrative Error
« on: May 07, 2007, 11:20:43 am »

At this point, I've set up listmail, configured the cgi files and set up alias/forwarding from my cPanel. Then I created an email account from cPanel and I've made that the Administrator Email Address and used this same Login ID and password for the Mail Sending Method :: SMTP option, both in my configuration. Then I added this same Administrator Email Address to the User Database. As of now I just want to simply test my setup.

When I go to Test Mail Settings, it goes:


Testing mail servers..

[Bounce Handling]
Is enabled?  Yes, Using bounce.cgi
Sending TESTBOUNCE email to bounce address.. Success!

If you receive an email at your "Administrator Email Address" bounce.cgi is configured correctly.

[SMTP Server]
Is enabled?  Yes
Connecting to SMTP server.. Connected!
Verifying username and password...Authenticating User/Pass... Verified!
Sending test email to remote address.. Success!

If you receive an email at your "Remote Test Address" the SMTP server is configured correctly.

But, I did NOT get email at my Administrator Email Address. I DID get email at the remote address, however.

When I try Send an Email, I get a 550 Administrative prohibition error. I contacted my hosting provider, told them about this and they said:


I have just sent an email using to and it was delivered fine without any problems. It did not return any bounced messages.

You have to contact the Newsletter script support, we do not provide support for 3rd party scripts and this is not a issue on the server.

What am I doing wrong? I can provide you the url and access to my listmail installation and even access to the Administrator Email webmail account if you need it. There's nothing in my database yet as of now, so this is okay.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


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550 Administrative Error
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2007, 02:04:05 am »
Hello? Can somebody help me. Please?


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550 Administrative Error
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2007, 03:20:29 am »

I apologize for the delay - normally we try to respond to forum requests within 24 hours.  Your message appears to have gotten lost in the mix - a very unfortunate accident that should not be frequent.  Next time please feel free to post again after 24 hours if you have not received a response.

Please search the forum for "550 Administrative prohibition" (search for "All terms") as this issue has been touched on many times before.

Please let me know if you require further assistance.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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550 Administrative Error
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2007, 09:00:25 am »
Yes, I did a search on this forum before I made my post. The funny thing is that if you try do a search now on '550 administrative error' or '550 Administrative prohibition' with the Search on All Items option selected, the only topic that's ever returned is this one that I made.

Anyway, I did come across a topic or two previously when I did a search before I created this topic. If I remember correctly, you said on those posts that the reason for 550 administrative prohibition errors is that the administrator of the servers where these errors occur intentionally set some sort of ban for sending out email going to certain domains. And you also said that the problem is not caused by listmailpro but is caused because of these policies.

If you can please read my first post carefully, you will find that I said that I did check with my hosting admin first before I asked for help here. When I discussed this problem with my hosting admin and listmailpro, he merely checked the email account I was using for listmail pro. But I don't think any hosting admin would intentionally place a prohibition on being able to send out emails to email addresses that are on the same domain, that would be ridiculous.

In any case, either please read my first post carefully again or let me recap it again for you:

- My listmailpro is installed on

- I created one email address on

- I added to my newsletter list.

- Only is on my newsletter list, no other email addresses are listed.

- So a simple test of Send an Email should send an email message to This is what I'm after.

- Test Mail Settings works somewhat. (See details above)

- Send an Email DOESN'T work, despite the fact that I am just trying to send one message from the listmailpro application to one single email address that happens to be on the same domain.

So it's still my hosting provider that I should check on here you think?


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550 Administrative Error
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2007, 12:45:44 am »
I did a search on this forum before I made my post. The funny thing is that if you try do a search now on '550 administrative error' or '550 Administrative prohibition' with the Search on All Items option selected, the only topic that's ever returned is this one that I made.

Different results might appear depending on whether you are logged in or not.  I get 11 matches for "550 administrative prohibition".
If I remember correctly, you said on those posts that the reason for 550 administrative prohibition errors is that the administrator of the servers where these errors occur intentionally set some sort of ban for sending out email going to certain domains. And you also said that the problem is not caused by listmailpro but is caused because of these policies.

Yes, however I also offered 3 important possibilities:

1. Limitation on messages per hour or day - please ask your host about the possibility of such limitations.

2. Rare limitation in that all "Bounce to email" and "Send from email" addresses must exist in your control panel as either a mailbox or an email forwarder.

3. AUTH requirement - you may need to set the SMTP AUTH feature including the host, username and password of a valid mailbox on the server.
But I don't think any hosting admin would intentionally place a prohibition on being able to send out emails to email addresses that are on the same domain, that would be ridiculous.

As in #1 please ask the host if there are any hourly or daily limits on email.  As in #2, the "From" information can come into play - try adding your "bounce to email" and "send from email" in your control panel.
- Send an Email DOESN'T work, despite the fact that I am just trying to send one message from the listmailpro application to one single email address that happens to be on the same domain.

So it's still my hosting provider that I should check on here you think?

It sounds like your SMTP settings could be off.  (SMTP is enabled, correct?) Generally I first try "localhost" as the hostname with no AUTH authorization.  If you can't connect to localhost, try "".  If you still can't send, enable AUTH with a valid username and password.

Make sure one method of bounce is enabled and the "bounce to email" is on the ListMail domain (and possibly also existing in your control panel).  Technically, this sets the "Return-path" header of the email which is invisible to the reader and used for undeliverable returns.  With no method of bounce processing selected the "bounce to email" is -not- used and instead the "Administrator Email" is used instead.  Therefore with bounce disabled the "Administrator Email" may also need to be on the ListMail domain and possibly need to exist in the control panel.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance!

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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550 Administrative Error
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2007, 12:04:38 am »
Suddenly, my listmailpro is able to send out emails properly though I didn't do anything.

Previously, I only had one single email in my user database to send out email to but it wouldn't send.

Anyway, sending out emails seems to be okay now. I added another email address to make it two emails to test sending out to and it does send out okay as of now.

I asked my hosting provider about what kind of limits they have on sending emails, and they pointed their policy out to me:


Our mail policy and limits

There is a 200 hourly pop email limit per domain this limit is also applied towards mailman. If you send over this amount in any hour most of the e-mails will bounce back with a undeliverable error.

Many of our servers have a 60 pop checks per hour limit per email address. If you go over this you\'re likely to get a wrong password error message saying login incorrect. Just wait an hour and it will automatically unlock you. to prevent this from happening again make sure to disable auto checking or at least set it to something higher such as 10 minutes.

Any mailing list larger than 1,000 will require a dedicated hosting solution from us. Note: dividing one large list into smaller lists to get below this limit is not allowed.

Mailing Lists Rules

1. Anytime you're sending a message no matter how large your e-mail list is you must throttle it. We recommend you throttle it to at the very least sending 1 email every 6 seconds. If the mailing list software you're using does not allow you to throttle you must switch to something else. We recommend phplist which can be found in your control panel under fantastico. If you do not throttle and you try sending let's say 500 emails the server will try sending all 500 in 1 second which is not possible. This will cause the server load to go very high and for the entire server to be sluggish until this process is completed. It is our job to keep the server up and running without being sluggish. Anyone who causes the servers load to go high will be suspended and the process will be terminated. If you choose not to throttle you will most likely be suspended for crashing the server.

2. Any mailing list over 500 emails is only allowed to be sent to during off-peak times to prevent high server loads. Off peak times qualify as all day Saturday and Sunday, and 1am - 8 am eastern time M-F.

3. You are not allowed to mail to a mailing list you were given or purchased. This is spamming because they never agreed to you personally sending them mail. We do not care and how you justify it this is spam and will result in termination of the offending account.

4. Any unsolicited e-mail being sent will result in termination of the offending account. We take a zero tolerance stance against sending of unsolicited e-mail.

5. Any mailling list MUST comply with all guidelines set forth by the United States.
These can be found at: