I just found the following info on this web page:
So the first thing you must do is enhance your email subscription process is to make sure it operates on a double opt-in rather than a confirmation principle. In other words, when someone subscribes to your email newsletter or whatever information you're offering via email subscription, you must send them an email with confirmation hyperlinks that the subscriber must click in order to confirm their intention to subscribe.
Furthermore, you must log the IP address, date and time, and email address, of every subscription request so you can prove to the subscriber (and possibly the Federal Trade Commission or FTC) that this person indeed requested a subscription.
If you lack this information, then you're setting yourself up for accusations and attacks by subscribers and, potentially, the FTC. To be safe you must be able to prove that every person you are emailing has, indeed, requested to be emailed by you.
My question is does ListMailPro log the IP address, date and time, and email address, of every subscription request?