Author Topic: adding follow-ups to an existing list  (Read 1872 times)


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adding follow-ups to an existing list
« on: June 12, 2007, 10:01:46 am »
am I right in thinking that a follow-up with a 30day delay will kick in on existing lists according to the date the existing members were added to that list? So if they were added more than 30 days old, the follow-ups will start immediatly?




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adding follow-ups to an existing list
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2007, 10:25:41 am »
am I right in thinking that a follow-up with a 30day delay will kick in on existing lists according to the date the existing members were added to that list? So if they were added more than 30 days old, the follow-ups will start immediatly?

No, unfortunately this is not possible without some custom script.

Right now you can either add a followup with no delay and have users sent it next dailymail (if adding the first followup, and for users at 'end of sequence'), or when due (existing sequence). When adding you can reset  users on that followup (all users or users at end of sequence) to, say, 30 days.  Updating the delays means all users, regardless of signup, date would have to wait 30+ days before receiving the followup.

Man that's hard to explain. :)

If you would like to do what you suggested let me know and we can talk custom script or future features.

Dean Wiebe
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