Author Topic: admin-26-Lost connection to MySQL server during query  (Read 2123 times)


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admin-26-Lost connection to MySQL server during query
« on: April 20, 2006, 10:12:00 am »
I have a list of ~2500 subscribers on V1.85 that I am having a problem with.

About every 4th time we email this list (schedulled or manually) we get this error:

admin-26-Lost connection to MySQL server during query

'Resume' gives the same results no matter how many times we try it.

To get the mailing to go I have to delete the first record from the 'lm_sendq' table manually.

After deleting this record the I can resume the list.  At some point (again randomlly) the process again stops (after sending from 10 to 1500) again and I have to again delete the first record from  'lm_sendq' table.

Here is the last one I deleted - i don't see anything wrong with it.

 id                                                    bat       battype mtype uid    mid xtra
628c6d04c084e0e4c33f1d9fae634042  81f133 2           1        5343 135    

And the coresponding record from the 'lm_users' table:

id      uid      list      fname      lname      email      user1      user2      user3      user4      user5      user6      user7      user8      user9      user10      cseq      cdel      cnf      dateadd      ipaddr      refurl      htmail      bounces
5343    479de3a    4    Dickinson    Scott                                                      1    0    1    2005-12-15    Unknown    Imported    1    0

NOTE: Other instances of the same version on the same servers with more records have never had this problem.


Dean Craig


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admin-26-Lost connection to MySQL server during query
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2006, 10:49:15 am »
Hi Dean,

It seems that ListMail could be incorrectly interpreting the SMTP response for  non-existent domains on your server.  A similar issue is being discussed right now in this post.

Would you mind submitting your information so I can do some hands-on testing?

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting