This is not the same as normal delay then, think about it:
Seq 2 Delay 1
Next Dailymail (1min to 23:59 later) -> Delay decreased to 0 - Cron NOT processed (I double-checked this)
Next Dailymail (24 hrs later) -> Cron processed
This means that Seq2 Will not run until 72 Hours after Seq 1, is that right, please be very specific on this, I'm trying to get a handle on how I have to setup DELAY with CRON.
To make this CONSISTENT with the way things work now you need to have it so Cron IS processed when Delay = 0, and not wait an extra day!That is the case IF the next Sequence number/delay is NOT adjusted until the next day? If the Sequence number/delay is adjusted the SAME day that the CRON is processed then everything should be ok... but I need clarification that is how it works?
WHEN is the Sequence number set to the next number, and delay set to the delay for that Sequence number, is it THE SAME day that CRON executes, or is it the NEXT day (see below)?
If for example (please pay attention to the time between Seq 1 and 2, and how this can affect delay time):
Sat - Seq: 1 Del:1
Sun - Seq:1 Del:0 CRON NOT processed
Mon - Seq:1 Del:0 CRON RUNS
Tue - Seq:2 Del:1 CRON NOT processed
Wed - Seq:2 Del:0 CRON NOT processed
Thur - Seq:2 Del:0 CRON RUNS
As you see, if it works as shown in this example SEQ #2 will not execute until 72 hours after Seq #1? UNLESS Seq #1 is INCREMENTED and set to 2 on the same day that CRON RUNS (Monday), is this the case?
As I suggested please think about providing a detailed example like this in your HELP page - this is very hard to get a handle on when we don't know WHEN the Seq # and Delay is adjusted...