Hi DW,
Ok, I've found what seems to be a problem with the NEW Cron scheduling...
I've added new CRON style scheduling to about 15-20 of my lists... everything seemed to be updating fine, DELAYs counting down, even AFTER I added the new CRONs... but.... here's the problem...
After I went into one of the LISTS and manually set the delay down to ZERO (using the MySQL query):
The MySQL query you are looking for is (example for list 1):
UPDATE lm_users SET cdel = '0' where list = '1'
... I just noticed this morning that the OTHER lists that I have setup with CRON style scheduling - the DELAY is NOT counting down... it has stayed at 5 (where it was when I used the MySQL query above) to set the other list down to zero...
Can you PLEASE HAVE A LOOK at this ASAP.... it's going to force me to do manual DELAY updates on ALL of my CRON style lists until you get this fixed!
This appears to be happening with ALL of my Lists, it seems like DailyMail is not even getting called?
Ok, had a quick check, and DailyMail has not executed since October 27th, about 4 days ago... so I tried running the 'wget' call that I have in my local CRON which is below:
15 2 * * * /usr/bin/wget -O - http://mydomain.com/mail/dailymail.php?pw=xxxxx
I ran that from the command line, and I get this error:
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
[<=> ] 0 --.--K/s
Done!<br><br />
<b>Warning</b>: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in <b
>/home3/mydomain/mydomain-www/mail/admin.php</b> on line <b>2499</b><br />
admin-45-You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL
[ <=> ] 369 319.48B/s
09:25:08 (319.46 B/s) - `-' saved [369]
There's an error on line 2499 in admin.php which is this line:
list($nbounce)=mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select nbounce from $ctable where 1",$link) or die('admin-44-'.mysql_error()));
I never had this problem previously? Have you updated something in admin.php that is causing this problem? Is there some other problem with MySQL?
Ok, I found/fixed the BUG at line 2499, it should read like this:
list($nbounce)=mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select nbounce from $ctable where 1",$link)) or die('admin-44-'.mysql_error());
But, when I fix that, I now get an error on the next mysql_query line, this one:
$urows = mysql_query("select id,list,bounces from $utable where email like '$email'") or die('admin-45-'.mysql_error());
I get this error:
Done!<br>admin-45-You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your [ <=> ] 183 87.23B/s
09:43:48 (87.22 B/s) - `-' saved [183]
So, it's bombing on this mysql query? Why, I don't know because it seems that it is IDENTICAL to what you had in the last version that runs just fine - apparently it does not like to 'die' here, because the rest of DAILYMAIL does not get executed.... so, it seems there's some problem with this mysql query? I'm going to switch it back to the old code WITHOUT the 'or die' and see if that works...
Ok, I removed all of the 'or dies' in the function bounce($email,$msg), now DAILYMAIL will run, BUT, I do NOT get my Delays updated, AND I do NOT get my Dailymail report, so something else has gone wrong.. it seems you have introduced a 'bug' DW in the code in admin.php that now prevents DAILYMAIL from running properly... this will have to be fixed... I cannot even RUN, or TEST ListMailPro until this is corrected.... I'm going to try to go BACK to the previous version and add in the CRON stuff... myself... I need this fixed ASAP as my CRONs will start firing off soon...
On further checking, I noticed that DAILYMAIL was still processing in the send queue, though I did run it again (will that cause problems)... anyway, so it's been run twice now.. and it does appear that removing the 'or die' from the function bounce does FIX the problem.... so there's some problem with the MySQL in this line of code:
$urows = mysql_query("select id,list,bounces from $utable where email like '$email'") or die('admin-45-'.mysql_error());
ADDITIONAL FOLLOWUP - CRONs (followups with delays) being triggered when they should NOT BE!
Here's another problem I just found, I noticed in the tracking database I'm getting hits to a list that I have setup with CRON followups, BUT, they should NOT be getting them, there are only 2 followups, as indicated below:
FOLLOWUP1 CRON: 15-19 * 2-4 Delay: 0
FOLLOWUP2 CRON: * * 1,5 Delay: 2
As you see, followup1 should ONLY go out on the 15-19th of the month, and only if the day is a Tue-Thursday... followup2 ONLY goes out AFTER followup1, and ONLY if the day is a Monday or Friday, somehow, I notice now that in the list - FOLLOWUP2 has GONE OUT! Apparently FOLLOWUP1 has NOT, as I do NOT see any clicks on Tracked Links that were included in FOLLOWUP1 (so I assume that NO Followup1's went out). Anyway, this is troubling indeed, as I see that the SEQ # = 3 now for some of these users who have received FOLLOWUP2 - HELP - DW, is there some problem/reason why FOLLOWUP2 Triggered BEFORE FOLLOWUP1? Is there a problem with setting a CRON, then a CRON/DELAY, without having a FIRST (PLAIN DELAY) for the Followups?
Any ideas on what is going on here, DW??