Hi Ben,
So I need to know - is the auto resume supposed to work when my host times out my scripts? Is the timeout of my script by my host the real issue? Is the setup of the cronjob correct? I've listed exactly the way the cronjobs (autoresume and dailymail) are setup below (domain and password have been edited for obvious reasons):
Auto-resume should work even with your host's 300 second time limit. The limit is annoying but not overly (it's better than 30 seconds:). Your tasks look good... Are you sure dailymail runs successfully each day? Do you receive the report? If so, auto-resume should work too.
You may want to try an alternative to wget, "curl":
0 0 * * * curl -o /dev/null http://mydomain.com/listmail/dailymail.php?pw=mypassword 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
If you don't have any followups on live lists you can set the timing to * * * * * temporarily to run dailymail once a minute and see if you receive the dailymail report.
Note that in recent versions the "Do not allow dailymail to be run automatically until 23 hours 55 minutes has elapsed. (Recommended)" option, found on the ListMail "Dailymail" page, should be UNchecked in order to be able to continually run the test.