Hi Dean (and everyone else)
I'm humming along just fine these days. However, today I attempted to do a backup and instead of the application sending me back to the edit config page with the downloadable file, I got the following message on an empty webpage:
"Optimizing tables... DONE Writing backup file - Please wait... db error accessing table lm_follow"
I waited for a few mintues and nothing happened so I deleted the .LM file from my attach folder. Then I tried it again, and got the following message:
Optimizing tables... DONE Writing backup file - Please wait... DONE Verifying backup file... OK gZipping...
Again, I wated for several minutes and all I was seeing was and empty webpage with this text. I was not being directed back to the config screen to download anything.
I was able to find the zip file and the .LM file in the attach folder so I downloaded it from there and deleted the .LM file, but I'm wondering why the strange messages?
Thanks as always!