Author Topic: Backup - Restore and Import Users  (Read 3794 times)


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Backup - Restore and Import Users
« on: August 21, 2012, 03:51:34 am »
I've had a database breakdown in Listmail Pro. As I was to send newsmail to a specific list and error occurred about a table error. Before repairing the database I made a backup of the database and I also exported all user from every list to an Excel file.
It showed that on the newsmail list there were 5957 users before the repair. After the repair there were only 4967 users on that list !!! I had repaired the database from the server in MySQL.

Now I have tried to use these backup up files without any success at all. Exporting user from the Excel-file to the newsmail list wont go. When I choose email address as matching, Listmail tries to import the users but all of them are bad addresses. When I choose every other option as matching, no users are imported at all. What am I doing wrong here???

I've also tried to restore the database with the backup file generated by Listmail. It do restore the database but now there is even less users in the newsmail list??? Fortunately I had made a new backup so I'm back on 4967 users.
But what on earth is happening? I still miss nearly a 1000 users from the newsmail list in Listmail. I can see that they are there in the backup Excel file, but Listmail wont import them!

Could anyone explain to me what I am to do about it, please?

The very best regards,
ID Academy


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Re: Backup - Restore and Import Users
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2012, 02:17:51 am »

I wonder why no one tries to com with an answer to this question?

Maybe the ones who made the code for Listmail...? Do you have any suggestions, please?

The very best regards,
ID Academy


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Re: Backup - Restore and Import Users
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2012, 12:45:00 am »
If all the addresses are coming up bad there might be a problem with the format of the file or ListMail might not recognize it.  Try saving as CSV.
Dean Wiebe
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