Author Topic: Bounce problem?  (Read 2384 times)


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Bounce problem?
« on: February 26, 2007, 08:15:02 am »

Just realized something weird, I had got a few bounces for an email that was similar to my own previously but disregarded them.

This time I took a closer look and realized what actually happened.  Someone was being goofy and tried to subscribe like this:

Code: [Select]
Last Name:

Now my email address is, so this bounced and what was bouncing was the confirmation request email.

The problem is that I've seen this same email like 5 times, so apparently during the bounce the email address isn't being removed properly, i'd guess bounce isn't setup to handle unconfirmed emails?


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Bounce problem?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2007, 04:57:03 pm »

If the user signed up with your real email address, why did it bounce - shouldn't you have received the confirmation? :)

ListMail's bounce processing looks for the second "To: " line the the returned email.  The first one is of course the bounce target address, ie: and the second one, since the bouncing message is returned in full, should be the bouncing user.

This detection is being expanded to pass a special header for more accuracy with servers that can return them (60% or so).

If a message to your email address did indeed bounce it would make sense for it to be removed.  You should probably just delete such emails instead of bouncing them (I bounce email with MailWasher - you might do the same).

The problem is that I've seen this same email like 5 times, so apparently during the bounce the email address isn't being removed properly, i'd guess bounce isn't setup to handle unconfirmed emails?

Bounce processing should handle any email sent to the bounce address based on the To-line parsing I noted above.

Do you have bounce notification enabled? If so, and you want to look into this further, could you forward the notification you received? You can email it to me at dean@...

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Bounce problem?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 08:31:55 am »
If the user signed up with your real email address, why did it bounce - shouldn't you have received the confirmation?

They didn't use my real email...   my real email is:, they used, which is why I wouldn't get the email and why it's creating a bounce.

If a message to your email address did indeed bounce it would make sense for it to be removed. You should probably just delete such emails instead of bouncing them (I bounce email with MailWasher - you might do the same).

That's my point, the email address is NOT getting removed.  I'm guessing this is because the status of the email is unconfirmed and not active?

Does that make more sense?


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Bounce problem?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2007, 03:02:39 pm »
Yes, and your explanation seems plausible.  Let's see...

Search admin.php for "function bounce".
$urows = mysql_query("select id,list,email,bounces from $utable where email like '".addslashes($email)."'");

It looks like we process all users with that email address regardless of status, so the user should be either set to "Bounced" or deleted depending on your List Settings.

If you got the notification one of the two SQL queries should have run..
Code: [Select]
     // notify admin
      $narr = getnotifs($list);
      if($narr[3]=='1') sendnotif('rem_bounce',$id,'',$msg);
      // perform operation
      $listopts = getlistopts($list);
       mysql_query("update $utable set cnf = '3' where id = '$id'") or die('admin-51-'.mysql_error());
      } else {
       mysql_query("delete from $utable where id = '$id'") or die('admin-52-'.mysql_error());

The user should not logically stay unconfirmed if you receive a notification.

Could they be repeatedly re-subscribing?
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


  • Posts: 193
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Bounce problem?
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2007, 06:11:15 am »
It looks like we process all users with that email address regardless of status, so the user should be either set to "Bounced" or deleted depending on your List Settings.

Great, that answers my main question.

Could they be repeatedly re-subscribing?

I bet this is it.  I'll keep an eye on it and be looking for IP's to ban if it continues, thanks.