Hi Dennis,
I have edited your post to remove your domain name and ListMail folder for your protection.
You can change the text in the submit button - it won't affect how ListMail operates. Minimum signup.php form post requirements are values for the
list and
email variables. For more details on signup forms please
view the online help on the subject.
A textarea field is added as follows, assuming you are replacing Custom Field #1 (
user1) to allow the user to enter a longer "Burning question".
<textarea name=user1 rows=5 cols=80></textarea><br>
One serious problem with using a textarea as a custom field is that you cannot currently edit multi-line custom field data. All of the custom field value appear on users'
Edit pages in a single line "INPUT" element. Therefore, when you save a user who has entered a multi-line question some of their data could be lost.
Until I revamp custom fields to allow you to define multiple types, the best workaround could be to add some JavaScript to your form to actually REMOVE the line breaks and replace them with spaces. Something like this might work:
<script language="javascript"><!--
function filterLineBreaks (ta) {
ta.value = ta.value.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, ' ');
<form method=post action=http://www.example.com/listmail/signup.php onSubmit="filterLineBreaks(this.user1); return true;">
<input type=hidden name=list value=1>
First Name: <input type=text name=fname size=10><br>
Email: <input type=text name=email><br>
My Burning Question is: <textarea name=user1 rows=5 cols=80></textarea><br>
<input type=submit name=sup value="Subscribe Me!">
I used
this web page as a reference.

Hope that helps!