I cannot find a setting for how many times the mailer tries to resend, or whatever.. Sometimes the # of mails in qmail are increasing when listmail has long since stopped sending. So it must be some function that is trying to resend bounces or something..
Maybe on a related subject, trying to get the bounce.cgi to work... When I send a test to see if it is working - from the configuration window and hit test mail settings - and it says "success!", exactly what email address does it send that confirmation to?
I'm confused about setting up the bounce script for each list. It says that in qmail to make a .txt file with the name of the email to be associated with that list. So .qmail.bounce goes with list #1 and bounce@test.com. So list #2 will be associated with bounce2@test.com and the .txt file would be named .qmail.bounce2.txt. Is this right? My question is, where exactly is that email address (bounce@test or bounce2@test) get inserted in the listmail software to associate it with an individual list?