Author Topic: Can I check total amount of subscriptions......  (Read 1477 times)


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Can I check total amount of subscriptions......
« on: May 11, 2006, 05:21:14 pm »
Hi again. Don't get too tired of me just yet, please!  :P
I have a few more questions that need to be settled. My boss is asking me as I go along so...that is the reason for my recent, consecutive posts.

#1 Can I check the total amout of users that have subscribed to the mailing lists?

#2 Can I track a file attachment using the link tracker? (for example, we send a small email including an attachment instead of the regular emails--is there a way to check if people have opened that attachment?

#3 Can I check emails opened in general using ListMail, whether or not they have clicked on any links?

Thank you soooooooo much!


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Can I check total amount of subscriptions......
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2006, 08:53:08 pm »

#1 Can I check the total amout of users that have subscribed to the mailing lists?

This is currently only possible with a custom SQL statement and a script like PhpMyAdmin.  You can check the count for each "referring URL" with the following statement:
Code: [Select]
select refurl,count(*) from lm_users where 1 group by refurl;
I can provide more queries if you need to group data differently or view signups over a specific time frame.
#2 Can I track a file attachment using the link tracker? (for example, we send a small email including an attachment instead of the regular emails--is there a way to check if people have opened that attachment?

No, this is currently not possible.  What you might do is use a tracked link pointing to a file hosted on your web site instead of sending an attachment.
#3 Can I check emails opened in general using ListMail, whether or not they have clicked on any links?

This is only possible in HTML email.  A custom script is available to achieve this.  This feature will likely show up in ListMail as an option in the future.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance!

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting