Author Topic: Can I use with QK SMTP hosted on my own computer?  (Read 3111 times)


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Can I use with QK SMTP hosted on my own computer?
« on: November 10, 2004, 01:56:46 pm »
Hi Dean and others:

Because Spamhaus has listed all Host4Profit IP addresses, about 1/3 of my emails no longer get through when sent through my H4P hosting account.

I have installed QK SMTP on my computer and now use that to send emails so that my emails are received. Is there a way for me to configure ListMailPro so that it, too, will use the SMTP server on my computer to send emails?

I tried putting in the name of the server and authentication info into ListMail config, but that did not work. Somehow I suspect ListMail needs to know the path to the server. C:......etc.?

Need some wonky/techie help here please.



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Can I use with QK SMTP hosted on my own computer?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2004, 02:27:28 pm »
You can run SMTP from your own computer but you may get in trouble with your ISP for running a server program.

First, you would need to find out the address to your computer.

To find out your numeric IP, go to START -> Run and type "cmd" to open a command prompt.  Now type "ipconfig" and hit Enter.  You should be shown something like this:

IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :

If you have a router this isn't as easy.  Your IP will show up as "192.168.x.x". You need to access the router config panel and see what external (WAN) IP is assigned.  You will need to set up a "port forward" for port 25 to your internal IP.

Your ISP could assign IPs dynamically.  If so, your address/IP might change if the power goes out or you disconnect the router/your computer for extended periods of time.

If you have a firewall (Windows XP) you will have to allow access to port 25.

To prevent being used for spam, configure the SMTP program so that all mailing is restricted except for authorized users and set up an account.

To prevent detection from your host, you should probably change the port to something other than 25.  Try something not listed as reserved on this page.
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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where do i enter this info in ListMailPro?
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2004, 12:16:28 pm »
Thanks Dean.

Now I have my computer's "ethernet adaptor" IP address, subnet mask and default gateway number (same as the IP address.)

Interestingly, this is different from the IP address QK SMTP requires to be typed in as a default.

In any case, where in ListMail Pro do I type in this info? And how should it appear?


P.S. I don't think I'll get in trouble with my ISP. It's a wireless IP that does not provide hosting or email or anything--just a pipeline to the internet. Guess I'll find out. Plus, I barely use ListMailPro. Just to communicate with my 500-member workteam on, (at the most) a twice a week basis. Though I might manage to use it a bit more and add some people at some point.


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Can I use with QK SMTP hosted on my own computer?
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2004, 05:14:36 pm »
The IP address is not normally the same as the IP used under "default gateway".  Usually, the IP will be something like and the gateway will be

The special IP "" means the local computer.  Perhaps this is what QK SMTP is asking you for?  This should be fine.  You shouldn't need to specify the external IP, except in ListMail.  All you need to know is the port number.

In ListMail enter the Host, which is your IP, and a username and password (if required).  I highly recommend you do not allow full access to anyone and instead use users and passwords.   Unfortunately, I do not know how QK SMTP works so can't really help with this part.
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Can I use with QK SMTP hosted on my own computer?
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2004, 05:24:15 pm »
So in ListMailPro, on the configuration page, under host, I put 127.0.01, put in the proper port number, check the authenticate box, enter the username and password and then hit the test mail settings button and it tells me it cannot find the smtp server.

So I put in as host is my computer and do the same test--and again it fails.

It's not finding the local smtp server. Is there someplace else I need to specifiy that it needs to look on my computer for this?



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Can I use with QK SMTP hosted on my own computer?
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2004, 06:28:02 pm »
From ListMail "" will point to your web server.  You need to enter your home IP.

If you CAN connect to QK SMTP but not authorize for sending then you are part way there.  You might see some error / log messages in QK SMTP telling you of the connection.
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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how to set up smtp...
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2004, 06:44:03 pm »
Hi Dean:

You wrote:
"From ListMail "" will point to your web server. You need to enter your home IP."

I may be misunderstanding.

1. In the Host slot on the Configuration page should I NOT put

2. My "home IP," I assume, is my computer's IP number you helped me find earlier by running the dos command. Do I put THAT number in the Host slot on the configuration page? (Actually I've done that and gotten the same "fail" message when I hit the "Test Mail Settings" button.) Or should that number be entered somewhere else? Or entered as well as the

3. I haven't been able to get ListMailPro to find the smtp server at all, with or without authorization checked.



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Can I use with QK SMTP hosted on my own computer?
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2004, 10:27:37 pm » always points to "local". So, if you enter that address on your computer it will point to your computer.  If your web site hosting ListMail is looking for it it will find the web server computer.  You need to enter your home IP, the one you found earlier, so your web site (ListMail) can contact the program running on your home computer.

The first thing you should check is Firewall settings.  Do you have personal firewall software, like ZoneAlarm or McAfee Firewall?

Are you running Windows XP?  If so, you need to go into the advanced network settings and "allow" connections at your IP and SMTP port.

If it's not a firewall problem then it's possible that QK SMTP needs to be configured to allow connections, somehow.  Unfortunately, I do not know how to do this as I don't know the program.  I would be willing to install and test this for you for a fee but you must understand you would be wasting money if your ISP stops you later on.
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Can I use with QK SMTP hosted on my own computer?
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2004, 09:24:41 am »
Thanks, Dean.

I'm running ME on this computer. Am planning to set it up on an XP and a 98 computer as well, so that I have the ability to send mail from wherever I am, whichever computer is traveling with me. But first, want to get it working on the ME.

Have an email into support at QK SMTP as well.

Wondering how to check whether my computer is allowing connections in Win ME?

I'd like to play with it a bit longer and see if I can get it going. If not, I may want you to set it up and test it for me. I need the ability to send email that is not blocked by 1/3 of the ISPs in the world because of a constant Spamhaus or Spamcop listing--which plagues Host4Profit.

Don't think there will be a problem with my ISP. They offer no SMTP. They simply offer access to the internet.

Any idea how to check and set the connections in ME?
