I have been unable to to get the Daily Mail to work corrctly on my server. After much time spent with tech support they assure me that they have set up CRON to run and that it is running correctly.
Still Daily Mail does not seem to run automatically. I certainly receive no reports.
If I run it manually it seems to work fine and sends me an email report.
The problem is...I think...that my server provider has disable wget server-wide. They have set the CRON job to:
0 1 * * * /usr/bin/wget-protect -O /dev/null -T 0 http://barntheatre.co.uk/listmail/dailymail.php?pw=mypassword 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
This should run Daily Mail at 1am each day and they are adament it works fine an that it is NOT a CRON issue.
Can you throw some light on it for me please hopefully with a solution.
Many thanks for your time with this