Author Topic: Can we copy follow-up series from one list to a new one?  (Read 1687 times)


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Can we copy follow-up series from one list to a new one?
« on: January 20, 2005, 04:50:09 pm »
I have a long list of follow-ups that I would like to copy to another list. Is there an easier way to do this than copying and pasting each one?

Actually, what I'd REALLY like to be able to do is to choose an alternate "Sign up" success page for an existing list.

For example, if they sign up from one page, I'd like them to see one page upon success, but if they sign up from another, I'd like to have the option of sending them to another page. But I want them to be part of the same list.

This latter option would be MUCH more practical than copying all the follow-ups to a new list.

Bob Doyle
Wealth Beyond Reason!
Wealth, Science, and the Law of Attraction



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Can we copy follow-up series from one list to a new one?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2005, 04:48:13 pm »
It's not easy to have a separate thank-you page, but it is possible.

You might have some success with a file "signup-xtra.php" placed in your ListMail directory:

Code: [Select]
<?php// example for list 1if($list=='1'){ if($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']==$mypage){  Header("Location:");  exit; }}?>

It may also be possible with JavaScript on the Custom HTML page.  This script looks promising:
JavaScript Referer validation script
Dean Wiebe
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