Author Topic: Cannot find page when editing a user  (Read 2148 times)


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Cannot find page when editing a user
« on: August 23, 2004, 09:33:25 pm »
When I try to edit a user in my list it goes to the following link and I get a page cannot be found error.

Any ideas.  I believe it has something to do with me migrating everything over to a new server.  I migrated all the tables using SQL dump files so not to loose data except the lm_user file that I was unable to dump.  I had to export them to a csv file and import then back in manually through listmail pro.


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Cannot find page when editing a user
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2004, 06:12:44 am »
There appears to be a conflict between ListMail's code and your server settings / OS.  I will be resolving this issue for you, through your installation support ticket, ASAP.
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting