It seems that you're going to have to export both of your lists, set up a temporary list, import your WBC members, then import your WSE members. Then, export the temporary list and import it to where you want it, using the "delete all users on list before importing" option.
The extra steps are necessary because there currently isn't an option to choose between replacing duplicates and ignoring duplicates when importing.
If you have two installations of ListMail and want a subscription on one site to add the user to both sites, you could employ the "signup-xtra.php" file. When copied from the /xtra folder of the ZIP to your main ListMail folder, it will run after signup. Custom code as follows could insert the user into the 2nd list on the 2nd domain.
// run only if subscribing to WBC, example for list 2
// check if a duplicate on the target domain/list (assuming list 1)
$xrows = mysql_query("select id from lm_users where email like '$email' and list = '1'",$link2);
// insert the user if not a duplicate
// create a unique ID..
$uniq = '';
if($randmaxx) $randmax = $randmaxx;
$uniq_str = strtolower(substr(md5(rand(0,$randmax)), 0,7));
$ucmd = "select id from lm_users where uid = '$uniq_str'";
$urow = mysql_query($ucmd,$link2);
if(@mysql_num_rows($urow)==0) $uniq=1;
mysql_query("insert into lm_users (fname,lname,email,dateadd,uid,refurl,ipaddr,cnf) values('$fname','$lname','$email','$today','$uniq_str','$refurl','$ipaddr','1')",$link2);
// all done