Author Topic: Combining mailing lists, locally and across domains  (Read 2195 times)


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Combining mailing lists, locally and across domains
« on: May 23, 2004, 12:52:21 am »
Hi Dean,

First, is there an easy way to combine 2 lists locally?

I run a site, Web Boot Camp, where, per the terms of the site, I give all members a free subscription to my ezine, "Web Secrets Exposed". Now, I have set up that ezine/website on it's own server with it's own copy of listmailpro running to handle the ezine.

My question is, how can I combine my web boot camp members from listmailpro on, with my current ezine subscribers on listmailpro running on

Also - I know there will be a fair number of duplicates when I do the merge, but I'd like to give priority to those coming from the WBC list, as I have their names, and in my other list, I do not have names, only emails. Is there a way to do this?

My last question is the most technical - Dean, you showed me how to have one form sign up put people into multiple lists, i.e..
<input type=hidden name=lists[] value=1>
<input type=hidden name=lists[] value=14>
great stuff, thanks!

But what if I want to sign them up into multiple lists across different domains?

If I could do this, all new WBC members would be imported automatically into my Web Secrets Exposed ezine, and that would be incredible.  Of course it would be very important to get first names as well as emails.

Thx so much for your time. Love Listmailpro! Top notch stuff, Dean.


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Combining mailing lists, locally and across domains
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2004, 11:30:01 am »

It seems that you're going to have to export both of your lists, set up a temporary list, import your WBC members, then import your WSE members.  Then, export the temporary list and import it to where you want it, using the "delete all users on list before importing" option.

The extra steps are necessary because there currently isn't an option to choose between replacing duplicates and ignoring duplicates when importing.

If you have two installations of ListMail and want a subscription on one site to add the user to both sites, you could employ the "signup-xtra.php" file.  When copied from the /xtra folder of the ZIP to your main ListMail folder, it will run after signup.  Custom code as follows could insert the user into the 2nd list on the 2nd domain.

Code: [Select]

// run only if subscribing to WBC, example for list 2

 // check if a duplicate on the target domain/list (assuming list 1)
 $xrows = mysql_query("select id from lm_users where email like '$email' and list = '1'",$link2);
 // insert the user if not a duplicate
  // create a unique ID..
  $uniq = '';
   if($randmaxx) $randmax = $randmaxx;
   $uniq_str = strtolower(substr(md5(rand(0,$randmax)), 0,7));
   $ucmd = "select id from lm_users where uid = '$uniq_str'";
   $urow = mysql_query($ucmd,$link2);
   if(@mysql_num_rows($urow)==0) $uniq=1;
  mysql_query("insert into lm_users (fname,lname,email,dateadd,uid,refurl,ipaddr,cnf) values('$fname','$lname','$email','$today','$uniq_str','$refurl','$ipaddr','1')",$link2);
// all done
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Combining mailing lists, locally and across domains
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2004, 11:54:36 am »
Thanks a lot, Dean. I'll give that a whirl when I get a chance. :)


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Re: Combining mailing lists, locally and across domains
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2004, 06:30:05 pm »
Quote from: "jim"

My last question is the most technical - Dean, you showed me how to have one form sign up put people into multiple lists, i.e..
<input type=hidden name=lists[] value=1>
<input type=hidden name=lists[] value=14>
great stuff, thanks!

Hi Dean,

I'd like to allow people to sign up to multiple lists with only ONE double-opt-in mail.  How can I do this?  It occurs to me that using a custom field, and processing it after the double-opt-in might do the trick.  

Another possibility is having a master list with a double opt-in hidden field:
<input type=hidden name=lists[] value=1>
Then only that one is double-opt-in.  The other lists would be compared against this master list to see if the double-opt-in succeeded.  However, I don't know PHP, so I can't do this.  

That's what I'm doing now until I hear from you.  Thanks, Dean!



Thx so much for your time. Love Listmailpro! Top notch stuff, Dean.

How true!  So far I'm able to EASILY do everything I want.  Sweet!


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Combining mailing lists, locally and across domains
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2004, 02:44:35 pm »
Currently, each list with confirmation enabled will send it's own confirmation email.  This will be improved in the near future.

You're right, there may be a way to do this with a custom script.  Unfortunately, I cannot provide this free of charge.
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting