Author Topic: Confirmation page is for all lists ?  (Read 1491 times)


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Confirmation page is for all lists ?
« on: May 13, 2005, 09:56:16 am »
I'm using the double opt-in version of getting people on to my list.

Is there any way of tracking how many confirmation emails were sent.  I know that if and when they reply, they will end up in the User Database.  I want to know how many people did not reply.

Second question.  The Custom HTML button on the top and bottom of the list settings is where I can put in the page I want to show when they start the sign up process.  In my case, I'm putting a URL on the bottom field.

However, that field seems to apply to all lists, not just the one I'm working on.

Is that correct ?

Is there anyway to have a different signup confirm page for each list.

Thank you.



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Confirmation page is for all lists ?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2005, 03:17:53 pm »
Hi Mark,

Is there any way of tracking how many confirmation emails were sent. I know that if and when they reply, they will end up in the User Database. I want to know how many people did not reply.

On the User Database page, try changing the box that reads "Active" to "Unconfirmed".  This should show you the users who have not confirmed.

The Custom HTML button on the top and bottom of the list settings is where I can put in the page I want to show when they start the sign up process. In my case, I'm putting a URL on the bottom field.

However, that field seems to apply to all lists, not just the one I'm working on.

The Custom HTML feature was recently modularized.  What this means is that a Custom HTML set can be applied to more than one list.  By default, when creating a list, your list is set to use "Default HTML".  What you need to do is go into Custom HTML, hit the "New" button to create a new set for your new list.  Save it, go back to the List Settings page and set the Custom HTML option to the name of your newly created set.

Obviously I need to better explain how to use this feature.  Perhaps ListMail should offer a pop-up upon New List creation.  The pop-up could ask "Use default HTML, hit cancel, use new HTML (created from default) hit OK"...

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Confirmation page is for all lists ?
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2005, 08:56:56 am »
However, that field seems to apply to all lists, not just the one I'm working on. [/quote]
The Custom HTML feature was recently modularized.  What this means is that a Custom HTML set can be applied to more than one list.  By default, when creating a list, your list is set to use "Default HTML".  What you need to do is go into Custom HTML, hit the "New" button to create a new set for your new list.  Save it, go back to the List Settings page and set the Custom HTML option to the name of your newly created set.


Thanks for the prompt answers.

Yes, it is a bit confusing, although as with anything, once you know it, it seems natural.

Right now I'm trying to create some Custom HTML, so that I can have a unique confirmation page for each list.

In the List Settings page, in the middle there is a pick list called Custom HTML.  There is also a Custom HTML button at both the top and bottom.

I used the button at the bottom (which I'm assuming is the same as the button at the top) to create a New HTML.  In fact I did that twice, and they both got named New HTML.

I went back in, selected the first New HTML, the screen refreshed, and I now have a button called Rename.

So I click the Rename button, and the name blanks out.  I type in my new name - L2.  I click Save, but nothing seems to happen.

I try Save HTMl, but the new name never takes, it keeps calling itself New HTML.

Why isn't the Save Button on the Custom HTML page working or what step am I missing.




  • Posts: 21
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Confirmation page is for all lists ?
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2005, 09:03:43 am »

Ok, I answered my own question.

I was using Firefox as my browser.

I switched to Internet Explorer and the Save took.

I'm on a Mac, and we won't be having access to IE much longer, as Tiger does not ship with IE, so I hope you get all those IE dependencies out :-)

