Author Topic: Confirmations / Admin notifications / welcomes not sending..  (Read 1659 times)


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Confirmations, admin notifications, and welcome messages are not going out but the regular list emails appear to be working.  From my understand the confirms, notifications etc are all php mail based, and the regular emails (at least in my instance) are smtp based.  The smtp part seems to be working and the emails do appear to be going out as scheduled, but I noticed that I was never receiving notice that people had signed up and it appears that the sign up notices are not going out to people that do sign up.  I recently switched to double opt in as a CYA measure, so before it was just signup and receive the welcome letter.

I did a test send of the system to my admin email and that worked fine, came through quickly.

I'm not sure where to look first to find out what the problem is.

I'm running my install on a xampp setup on an internal gentoo server.
The config version I have installed reports: v1.87d.
I've tried setting the admin emails to my primary address as well as a yahoo mail account, and neither one recieves signup notifications, or any other notifications but when running the "Test Mail Settings" everything says it's working, and I do receive the test email.

Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.


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Confirmations / Admin notifications / welcomes not sending..
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 02:37:21 pm »
Hi Sean,

Indeed it sounds like PHP mail() is malfunctioning.  Here is a simple test script you can upload and browse to to check if your server can properly send PHP mail:

Code: [Select]
<?php// config$domain = "";$toaddr = "";// end config$fromaddr = "mytest@$domain";$returnpath = "bounceme@$domain";// codeecho date("l, F jS g:ia T");echo "<br>testing mail() function..<br>sending mail.. ";if(mail($toaddr,'mailtest','mailtest',"From: \"Mytest\" <$fromaddr>\nReturn-path: <$returnpath>")) echo "mail <i>seems</i> to be sent ok - did you get it?<br>"; else "mail NOT sent ok!?<br>";?>

Set $domain to your ListMail domain and $toaddr to your test (remote) email address.

If you do not receive an email after browsing to the script please notify your web host and point them to the test script.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Postfix was malfunctioning, thanks for the help!
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2007, 03:34:29 pm »
Hi DW!
Thanks for the prompt reply and your help.  Apparently I was having postfix problems that were preventing it from starting properly :shock: ...  using your little test script and some digging I got it working and OMG what a flood of daily reports and signups!
Looks like all is well again.  :D

BTW, you may receive an email as I forgot to change the settings in it before running it.   Sorry about that. :P

Great work on a great piece of programming with regards to ListMailPro and thanks for all your hard work.