Author Topic: Could not add hotmail emails  (Read 2810 times)


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Could not add hotmail emails
« on: November 13, 2006, 06:19:05 am »
Hi! i was testing with my own listmailpro server and I discovered that when I want to join with account, I was directed to the 'thank you' page that asks me to check for the confirmation email, but it never came. I checked my LM list user database and this email address wasn't added.

However, it works fine with an email account on a private hosting - I got the confirmation page, the confirmation email and welcome email with everything working fine.

Is there something wrong with my configuration that doesn't allow hotmail users to be added?


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Could not add hotmail emails
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2006, 07:53:15 am »
You should talk to your web host about the inability to deliver to HotMail.  They can check the system mail logs to see exactly what's happening.  Most likely sending to HotMail returns the error "Cannot establish connection".  (This appears to be their favourite type of block).  I had the same problem recently, wrote HotMail and they said it was because of being listed in Symantec "Brightmail" which they use...  They then instructed me to contact BrightMail separately.

You can check out for more information about getting your email delivered.

You will probably have to have your host contact HotMail or remove spam-generating clients from their (shared?) hosting.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Could not add hotmail emails
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2006, 11:08:18 am »
I had the same problem recently, wrote HotMail and they said it was because of being listed in Symantec "Brightmail" which they use... The then instructed me to contact BrightMail separately.

You can check out for more information about getting your email delivered.

Same thing here... even after doing this and mail seemed to be flowing for a while, they continue giving me problems...  Good luck with hotmail.


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Could not add hotmail emails
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2006, 01:24:22 am »
Hi! I have contacted my webhost and told them about this problem. I stressed that I could send emails to hotmail account but cannot add them to my list. They simply create another account on the server and send it to a hotmail account, which is what I told them I have done.

I can send emails from my web server to an hotmail account, it's just that I can't add a hotmail email to my list. When I add a hotmail account, the confirmation email never comes. It doesn't even show up in the junk mailbox.

Seriously, I've been setting up listmailpro for weeks now and keep running into problems. I don't whether is it my web server's problem or listmailpro's problem. If this carries on, maybe I would have to change autoresponders.


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Could not add hotmail emails
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2006, 11:06:15 pm »
It sounds to me like you can send email with SMTP, which I'm assuming does not use a hostname of 'localhost', but not with PHP mail().

If blocking is being done based on the 'bounce' (or 'Return-path') setting then setting the following option in config.php may help:

If you continue to have troubles I would be willing to run some tests.  You can submit your information here.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Could not add hotmail emails
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2006, 04:15:11 am »
Frankly speaking I'm sick of reading all the php codes when I'm supposed to do something more constructive since I've paid $195 for LMP. I think I'll just post my info let you guys do the testing. Thanks alot.


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Could not add hotmail emails
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2006, 07:41:01 am »
This technically has nothing to do with LMP, it has everything to do with your webhost.

Dean may look into it for you, he may not... but if he does it's only cause he's a great guy who goes way above and beyond most of the time.

Chances are though if you don't work on it with your host and/or by reading on things you should do to fix it yourself, nothing will get "Fixed".

Just my .02.


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Could not add hotmail emails
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2006, 06:08:31 pm »
While Mike is right I decided to investigate in case it was an LMP problem.   First, I noticed the "Return-path" was not being set correctly with PHP mail messages (welcome,confirm,notifications), and I tweaked a setting in config.php for that.  Still, I couldn't get the confirmation message through to HotMail.  Analyzing the confirmation email I saw the subject contained the word "Fr*ee", the text message consisted of a single period "." and then the confirmation email was in HTML.  Thinking the asterisk-containing word Fr*ee might have triggered a filter I tried removing that.  It didn't help.  I then made the confirmation email text-only and that, too, did not help.  The solution was to remove the confirm link entirely.  I believe there is a block against either links to your entire domain or links to the listmail folder on your domain.  What you should do is visit and then follow this advice (In my experience you can skip some of the questions if you don't know):

If your e-mail complies with our service guidelines and you are still experiencing e-mail delivery problems that are not addressed in our FAQ, provide the following information and send it to our e-mail address

1. What are the IP addresses of your outbound e-mail servers (as seen by the receiving server)?

2. From what domain are you sending?
3. Is your server a dedicated or shared server?
4. What ISP, operating system, e-mail transport software, and/or e-mailing list management software are you using?
5. How are bounce messages (non-delivery notices) handled by your system?
6. How frequent are your e-mailings? What are the volumes of these e-mailings?
7. What are some of the accounts on Microsoft's systems that you are attempting to send to?
8. Do your SMTP logs show any failed transactions when attempting to send to addresses at MSN, MSN Hotmail or other MSN Services? If so, please include them inline in your response.
9. Can you telnet to port 25 of from your e-mail server(s)?
10. Can you traceroute to from your e-mail server(s)?
11. Include samples of a few messages you are sending, with complete headers (as seen by your recipients.)
12. In what manner(s) are recipients added to your e-mailing list(s)?
13. Provide the URL of your web site.
14. Provide the URL of your Privacy Policy.
15. Provide the URL at which users opt-in to receive your e-mailings.
16. Provide the URL at which users may choose to permanently unsubscribe from your e-mailing list.
17. Are you currently a Return Path client? Are you Sender Score Certified?
18. Do you publish Sender Policy Framework (SPF)/Sender ID records for your IP?
19. Do you use separate IPs for your transactional vs. promotional/subscription marketing communications?
20. Are you in the Junk E-Mail Reporting Program?
21. Do you use Smart Network Data Services?

The most important thing to include, I suppose, is a full copy of the confirmation message -including headers- as received from your server.  You should be able to get this from "View Source" in Microsoft Outlook or MailWasher (if you use that to filter email before reaching Outlook).

HotMail should reply back within a day or two with the exact reason your messages are not being delivered.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Could not add hotmail emails
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2006, 12:30:22 am »
ok now i know this is my webhost's problem. Sorry to bother you Dean I hope you don't mind. Thanks for all the great help. You are really a great guy.

Hey Mike, sorry if I gave you the idea that I was taking it out on you guys. It's just that I never expect so much work to do. Anyway, come to think of it, you're right. I get to learn quite alot of things by fixing it myself. Thanks anyway for the advice.


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Could not add hotmail emails
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2006, 03:46:18 am »
Quote from: "hareluya86"

Hey Mike, sorry if I gave you the idea that I was taking it out on you guys. It's just that I never expect so much work to do. Anyway, come to think of it, you're right. I get to learn quite alot of things by fixing it myself. Thanks anyway for the advice.

Definitely not a problem, I didn't mean to come across as being rude, I only wanted to explain it properly.