Author Topic: Creating config database table lm_config  (Read 2071 times)


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Creating config database table lm_config
« on: November 01, 2004, 08:07:33 am »

I am trying to install the latest version of Listmail on an ensim box running Fedora Core 1.

By default, this box runs all virtual domains in safe mode, making tweaks to cgi and php necessary.

When I try to install Listmail, I get the following error:-

Creating config database table lm_config,
**Error creating lm_config! Is the database login information in CONFIG.PHP correct? Did you already run install?

Any ideas as to how to fix this issue, or what might be causing it?

Many thanks



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Creating config database table lm_config
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2004, 11:34:15 am »

This usually means that your MySQL access information in config.php is not correct.

If you can set up MySQL databases in your web hosting control panel then you need to create a database, username and password, and MAY need to take a third step of adding the user to the database.

If you cannot set up MySQL databases in your web hosting control panel then you will need to ask your host for the correct database, username, and password to use with ListMail.

The information needs to be entered into config.php.txt and then the file needs to be saved as config.php, as below:

Code: [Select]
$sqlhost = 'localhost';

$sqluser = 'YOUR_USERNAME';
$sqlpass = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';
$sqldb = 'YOUR_DATABASE';

Your control panel or web host should indicate if the sqlhost variable should be something other than "localhost".  It could need to be something like, but don't change it unless it's mentioned.
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting