Dear Dean Wiebe,
I think someone already asked this, but PHPBB search function really sucks.
I made an order form, with textfields, checkboxes, drop-down lists etc. (all the avalilable html form elements). I want to handle this with LM, but LM allows me only to set up textifeld as custom fields.
By signup form generation only textfields appear, how to enable other form elements?
My second question is:
I have created a custom field. By signup, LM checks for duplicate e-mails. I want the same function by this custom field, i.e lets LM to check for duplicates by this custom field.
For example, my custom field has the "xyz" value. Then by another signup the custom field has the "xyz" value, too. But in this case check wheter "xyz" already exists in database or not.
Thank for your help!