Author Topic: Custom HTML Problems  (Read 1862 times)


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Custom HTML Problems
« on: February 04, 2007, 03:25:33 am »
I can't get custom HTML to work properly.

In List Settings, I selected List 10 and then I clicked on Custom HTML and entered text in Signup-Confirm and saved the file as signup-confirm-10.html and then I went back to List Settings and selected the file I just created.

Then I clicked again on Custom HTML and clicked on Signup Success and then New. I entered the HTML code and and then I clicked on Rename and entered signup-success-10.html and clicked on SAVE.

When someone signs up, they see signup-confirm-10.html on their browser, but when they click on confirm, they don't see signup-success-10.html on their browser.  They see the one that was selected for List #1 and they also get the welcome email for List #1 as well.

Also, I'm confused about the Custom HTML page that's selected in List Settings.  For List #10, I have it set to signup-confirm-10.html, but there is no way on the List Settings page to select the pages for Signup Success or unsub confirm or unsub success and the pages that I selected on the Custom HTML page are not the ones that display when they are supposed to.  Instead, I get the pages for List #1, even though I'm working with List #10.

Finally, I notice that after being on List #10, when I click Custom HTML, the List #1 display in Current List changes to N/A instead of List #10.


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Custom HTML Problems
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2007, 02:43:52 am »
In List Settings, I selected List 10 and then I clicked on Custom HTML and entered text in Signup-Confirm and saved the file as signup-confirm-10.html and then I went back to List Settings and selected the file I just created.

Okay, I assume you "named" the custom HTML set "signup-confirm-10.html", not saved it as an actual file.  Then you applied it to the list.  This sounds good.
Then I clicked again on Custom HTML and clicked on Signup Success and then New. I entered the HTML code and and then I clicked on Rename and entered signup-success-10.html and clicked on SAVE.

Okay, here I think is where you're confused.  When you click "New" it actually creates an entire "set" of Custom HTML messages.  That means Signup Confirm, Success, Error and Remove Confirm, Success and Error.  When you browse between these pages it does not change the name of the "set" you are editing.  You only need one name for all six pages.
Also, I'm confused about the Custom HTML page that's selected in List Settings. For List #10, I have it set to signup-confirm-10.html, but there is no way on the List Settings page to select the pages for Signup Success or unsub confirm or unsub success and the pages that I selected on the Custom HTML page are not the ones that display when they are supposed to. Instead, I get the pages for List #1, even though I'm working with List #10.

This is because, as before, one name means the entire set of six HTML pages.  It is probable that the other pages have not been modified in that set.
Finally, I notice that after being on List #10, when I click Custom HTML, the List #1 display in Current List changes to N/A instead of List #10.

The list changes to N/A because the HTML set is not only necessarily applied to one list.  That's the whole reason for the confusion :) - one set of HTML pages can be applied to more than one list.  When you click "Custom HTML" from the "List Settings" page the HTML set currently applied to that list is shown by default, but you could go ahead and edit one or more other sets without affecting the current list.

It's confusing at first but it's a lot more useful than before when it was simply one set of HTML pages per list with no choice of a precreated "set" of pages - there was a lot of unnecessary data when one "Default HTML" was all that was required.

Does this help? :D  Let me know

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Custom HTML Problems
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2007, 01:17:13 pm »
Hi Dean,

I appreciate your explanation, which I understand now.  I believe it is working now.  Thank you so much.



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