Author Topic: Daily Mail does NOT work!  (Read 5481 times)


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Daily Mail does NOT work!
« on: February 20, 2014, 05:35:30 pm »

Daily mail and follow ups do NOT work!

I waited two days for the Dailymail and Followups to send out, but they have not.

Today, I clicked on Dailymail button and sent a Manual Dailymail.

List 1 & List 2 both had followups to send out to one test member/user in each List.

I did get a Dailymail Report for today saying that I had one new user in each List and...BOTH followups were sent, one to each List.

Only List 1 received the followup.

I sent out an email to each List and it went to Both Lists okay.

What do I do to fix this?



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Re: Daily Mail does NOT work!
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2014, 09:31:29 pm »
Hi Ruben,

I waited two days for the Dailymail and Followups to send out, but they have not.

Setting up Dailymail is done with a scheduled task on your web host, as mentioned in the help files here.  Sometimes hosts don't support the wget program, or have a special way of setting up tasks that use it.  Some alternatives to wget can be found mentioned here.

It can be a little technical and tricky to test, so you may wish to ask your host if such a scheduled task, one that loads a URL each day, is supported and how to do it.  To test I might recommend removing all followups and setting a task to run every minute until the report starts coming through.  It may also be useful to remove the "1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null" part of the task which suppresses output when the task runs, so output is potentially emailed to you, which may result in some error messages you can use to diagnose the problem.  With followups, you could set up the task temporarily with the latter option and the wrong password, so the script doesn't run but an email might be received that indicates the page is loaded successfully - you could then update the password to the correct one and timing for once per day.

Only List 1 received the followup.

I can't say why only one email out of 2 expected were received.  It's possible the email landed in your Spam folder and you simply missed it.  It's also possible there was something that caused your web host SMTP server not to deliver the email once it was received by it.  If the Dailymail Report says the messages were sent they should have been sent to the SMTP server as expected.  You can enable the "Always write SMTP log" option on the Configuration page and check the log written to your attach folder to be sure.

For hands-on assistance you can use the official tech support options we offer.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Re: Daily Mail does NOT work!
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2014, 02:16:11 am »
I've contacted my host to see if the LMP cron job code is compatible or not with their servers.

In the meantime....

I DID the Manual Dailymail and it APPEARED to be working properly... but then Two Days Later... it did NOT work properly!!!

Doing the Manual Dailymail test puts us up yet ANOTHER 24 hours to have to wait to see if our coding is right or not!

Is there ANY way to test DailyMail and followups withOUT having to wait ANOTHER 24 hours?!?

And, NOT having the timing of the Dailymail be kicked up that 24 hours?

I tried your suggestion of the "two minute" cron job.... but I really didn't understand HOW to make the silly thing work to USE the "two minute" cron job.

What am I missing here?  What can I try out with the "two minute" cron job while I'm waiting for my host to get back to me... and HOW do I go about doing that?



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Re: Daily Mail does NOT work!
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2014, 04:04:01 am »
Hi Ruben,

I DID the Manual Dailymail and it APPEARED to be working properly... but then Two Days Later... it did NOT work properly!!!

By not working properly I assume you mean a message that the Dailymail Report said was sent was not received, as you previously described.  To troubleshoot such an issue I would again advise turning on the "Always write SMTP log" option on the Configuration page.  You can then check the log written to the LMP /attach folder to confirm that messages were received by the server as expected.  After that, LMP has no more control, and it's up to the SMTP server to make sure the messages get delivered.

Is there ANY way to test DailyMail and followups withOUT having to wait ANOTHER 24 hours?!?

Dailymail can be run manually at any time.  This will process and send followups and advance users receiving them one day.  You might disable the option "Do not allow dailymail to be run automatically until 23 hours 55 minutes has elapsed. (Recommended)" from within ListMailPRO on the Dailymail page if you're still in the testing phase with no live users receiving followups.  That option should actually be unchecked when using the suggestion of setting a task to run every minute or two for testing.

And, NOT having the timing of the Dailymail be kicked up that 24 hours?

You can run the cron task without processing any followups by calling the dailymail URL as follows via cron, however it is undocumented.  This would be the same as checking "Skip followup message/user processing and sending" when running Dailymail manually.

Code: [Select]
If there was the option to send followups and not advance users it might be overly confusing, and potentially harmful in a production environment...

I tried your suggestion of the "two minute" cron job.... but I really didn't understand HOW to make the silly thing work to USE the "two minute" cron job.

When a cron job is set up it runs automatically.  If it's set up correctly, i.e. the web-page-grabbing tool works, the Dailymail URL and password are valid, and the ~24hr time limit has passed or is disabled, then you should receive a Dailymail Report each time the task runs.

HOW do I go about doing that?

It would be done the same as on the Schedule Dailymail help page, however the timing would be different, a timing of * * * * * would be every minute.  */2 * * * * would be every two minutes.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting