Author Topic: Duplicate entry  (Read 2058 times)


  • Posts: 14
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Duplicate entry
« on: July 10, 2008, 09:04:09 pm »
Hi Dean,
Here is an issue I have written about before: when I try to send a message (via “send message”, nothing scheduled), here is the message I receive:

Please wait while email is queued to send... Duplicate entry '9f5ae7065f08a0fdc8e890f9695b4e5c' for key 1

The last time it happened, your response (solution that fixed the problem) the last time was...

I replaced the key generation routine with the one from the latest update and things appear to be working again.  This only seems to happen on some servers, so if it’s a new issue there could be other factors at play such as your host could have upgraded some system software.

Thank you for your help!


  • Administrator
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Duplicate entry
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2008, 06:00:21 am »
This may be the fix you are referring to:

In admin.php search for the line "function calc32" and change the entire function to:
Code: [Select]
function calc32($size=32){
 $unique_str = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
 return substr($unique_str,0,$size);

Dean Wiebe
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