Author Topic: emails not being added from MIVA cart  (Read 3396 times)


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emails not being added from MIVA cart
« on: July 21, 2007, 04:43:36 am »
I have a MIVA cart which when an order is
placed it sends an email to LMP which should be
added to my customer database.

It's not happening.

What I have done so far...

>> Checked that cpanel is forwarding msgs correctly - OK
>> Created a database on LMP to accept the records (Duh)!
>> Checked that LMP is adding user records by sending a blank email - OK
>> Checked the MIVA cart is sending an email with a customer buys
      a product. - OK
>> Check that an email is received by my email client when a product
      is purchased - OK

So, the issue is this... A customer buys a product in the MIVA cart, I get the email notification in my email client, but the user is not added to the LMP database.

Any MIVA users out there can assist with this issue?

Thanks, Norm


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emails not being added from MIVA cart
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2007, 09:41:26 am »
Hi Norm,

Not sure if you got my email reply:

> -- I have a MIVA cart which when an order is placed sends an email to
> LMP which should be added to my customer database.

Are you sure the email sent by MIVA appears to be "From" the client who purchased?  The email will need to appear this way for ListMail to be able to process it correctly.  If MIVA does not send the email in a format ListMail expects there are two solutions - we could modify the MIVA code directly to send our own email using the purchase variables.  This would take, probably, one single line of PHP code. (Is the script in PHP?)   Alternately, we could modify ListMail's signup.cgi script to handle the emails from MIVA.  If you can send a copy of exactly what ListMail is being sent I will be able to provide more information about whether or not the email format is a problem. (It really sounds like it is since you reported successfully subscribing with a test message)

> >> In the process maybe you can figure out a way that the first and
> >> last
> name of the customer can be passed to the LMP user record from miva

With a properly-formatted email and/or proper-processing of the sent email we should be able to discover the users' first and last name.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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response email
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2007, 11:14:35 am »
not received -  :(
thanks for posting here


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some progress
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2007, 03:17:05 pm »
Resolved the problem of LMP adding customers to the database.

What remains is figuring out how to get the first and last name to add with the record. Here is the expanded header and the first part of the order confirmation that the customer gets. I hope this will help in identifying what to capture in order to move the first and last name together with the email address to the LMP db.
X-Persona: <Support UB>
Return-Path: <>
Received: from ( [])
        by (8.13.6/8.13.6) with SMTP id l6LKnGsI018171;
        Sat, 21 Jul 2007 15:49:16 -0500
Message-Id: <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2007 15:49:16 -0500
To: <>, <>
X-Mailer: Miva v4.1400
Subject: Online Order Placed With Miva Merchant

The following


order was placed with Miva Merchant:

Order Number : 1560
Placed       : 07/21/2007 15:49:15 CDT

Ship To:                                 Bill To:
test test                                test test       


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emails not being added from MIVA cart
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2007, 08:02:22 pm »
Hi Norm,

The message sent by MIVA would have to include a header like this, with "John Smith" being the buyer's name:
Code: [Select]
From: "John Smith" <>
If the name is given ListMail will pick it up.

The only other way to get the users' name would be to modify the shopping cart software, adding a line or two of code just before or after the subscription email is sent.  I would quote doing such a modification for you at $20.  Please note that such a modification may be overwritten by MIVA updates.  I will provide exact instructions for adding the code, which should work on future updates as long as MIVA does not change the line we look for to add our code before or after.

For your protection please try not to post sensitive information such as your email address or domain name to the forum.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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emails not being added from MIVA cart
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2007, 02:35:53 am »
Here's a tip on how it might be done in PHP:
Code: [Select]
// send subscription email to ListMail
mail('','subject','message',"From \"$mivaFirstName $mivaLastName\" <$mivaUserEmail>\nReturn-path: <>");

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting