I have set up four newsletters on a single install of LM (the version before this latest one).
Two of the newsletters are sending out the emails in the correct, timed sequence. But the other two 'lock' after sending out the welcome email, and the remaining emails don't go out.
I've been been in touch with the host, assuming the dailymail settings were the problem, but just realized now dailymail is probably NOT the problem since half of the newsletters ARE going correctly.
The dailymail on this server is run by wget. The tech guy assures me it is returning the same result as the string in the LM manual. ie.
> >
> > The script that is in place at the moment is:
> > drac:/home2/netgain$ crontab -l
> > QUERY_STRING=pw=madyan
> > 1 15 * * * $HOME/www/cgi-bin/php -q $HOME/www/info/dailymail.php
> > &>/dev/null
> >
Can you suggest another place to look for the problem?
Actually, I downloaded the latest ver last week as a test, and put it on another serve / domain (that has a CRON tab which I can edit myself fromthe cpanel) and hit the same problem. ie, it sends the welcome email, but not the next two in the test sequence.
Any suggestions where to look for something I've done wrong?