Hey Roger,
Sorry about the delay - this one got lost in the mix. Thankfully I've started going through all support a second time and moving it to the "Completed Support" forum when it's been verified as completed.

And i just received this from tech support.
"If you want to pass variables to a PHP script the standard search argument syntax for passing $_GET variables will not work. You can use the format path/script.php variable1=value variable2=value2 (note the arguments are simply separated by a space)."
It's all Greek to me.
Basically, they're encouraging you to run the PHP script from the "commandline". This means
not by 'browsing' to your web site, but by 'executing' the script from the server, like an .exe. For this to work you might need to add a line to the top of dailymail.php to specify the "interpreter" (this is how a large number of "non- binary/compiled.exe" Linux scripts/programs work). Do a search for "shebang" or
just click here for the Wikipedia article. Alternately you can run PHP first, calling your script, to omit the need for the shebang line. ie "/usr/bin/php /path/to/dailymail.php". While your host may recommend this method I don't because command-line PHP settings can be different than 'browsed-to' PHP. It's hard to explain..

Curl doesn't work. Already tried that on the amember script. Running the task locally won't work either. I've got as Mac.
Well.. I can offer 2 or 3 cron tasks run on my servers for just $20/yr. Alternately, you might find a friend or
get another web host so you can run more web sites AND set up cron tasks.
Are you working with Alexander on the amember integration? Yet another nightmare.
I haven't had a chance to put my all into this yet, unfortunately.
Let me see if I understand this correctly. If I set dailymail to ***, it will check daily for my scheduled mesages and send only those that are scheduled for that particular day?
Actually the cron timing has 5 elements:
23 1 * * *
...means every day at 1:23am.
Here's another great Wikipedia article.
Please let me know if you need further assistance on this!