It sounds like dailymail ran but didn't complete each day. Your host may have a limit on the amount of time a PHP script can execute or a limit on messages per SMTP connection.
Most CPanel hosts require a setting of "Reconnect every [1000] emails" on the Config page. Are you running CPanel?
It is installed on H4P, and Im sure you know if there is a daily limit as
you have many clients there. I've never heard that they have any policy.
Right now message number 12 should be going out, but instead #20 is.
I have the cron set at
15 1 * * * (you set that for me) which maybe the problem of them not all going out. I always add my name to the list so I'll know they are being sent, which I get at 12:25 A.M. Should I change the cron time, and send them out around
30 2 * * *This is where I think the screw up is. If everyone at H4P is mailing around midnight, and there is a time limit, then I could see why all of the messages being aren't being sent. But that still has nothing to do with the Seq#.
My Daily Mail shows from 3- 1000 messages deliverred daily. And I am really not sure about the messages that have not been deliverred, nor what to do to see how the Delay # got changed.
What should I do now? Any ideas? Do you think I should just count my
losses and delete the messages that MAY still being in proccess
I especially want everything running the way they should be because I have a good friend that has made me an offer I can't refuse for leads.
And my chance for getting them is coming down to the wire.
You mentioned the timeout fearure with CPanel. Have you found any
problems running LMP on a CPannel?
Thanks Dean,