Author Topic: Follow ups Not going out when they should  (Read 1943 times)


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Follow ups Not going out when they should
« on: January 10, 2005, 02:42:52 pm »

I have a 90+ day ecourse that is set to send out messages every
2-4 days.  The user database shows messages all set at 0, even
though the followups are setup as above.  I set all of this up before
going into the hospital for a few days.

I just found this out and I'm still in shock.

I checked my Daily Mail reports shows the most messages on any day
were 10 sent out. None of it makes any sense to me.  I started out with
over 5000 subs, and now I only have about 3400.  I'm sure it burned
out my subs getting so much mail in too few days.  I know it would me.

It also says I may have messages in the queue, and lists from 1200 to
4400 on every day for the past 15 days.

I wish you could see what I'm talking about.  I sure don't know how to fix it.

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Follow ups Not going out when they should
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2005, 07:00:38 am »
It sounds like dailymail ran but didn't complete each day.  Your host may have a limit on the amount of time a PHP script can execute or a limit on messages per SMTP connection.

Most CPanel hosts require a setting of "Reconnect every [1000] emails" on the Config page.  Are you running CPanel?
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Follow ups Not going out when they should
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2005, 04:21:40 am »
Quote from: "DW"
It sounds like dailymail ran but didn't complete each day.  Your host may have a limit on the amount of time a PHP script can execute or a limit on messages per SMTP connection.

Most CPanel hosts require a setting of "Reconnect every [1000] emails" on the Config page.  Are you running CPanel?

It is installed on H4P, and Im sure you know if there is a daily limit as
you have many clients there.  I've never heard that they have any policy.

Right now message number 12 should be going out, but instead #20 is.

I have the cron set at 15 1 * * * (you set that for me) which maybe the problem of them not all going out.   I always add my name to the list so I'll know they are being sent, which I get at 12:25 A.M.  Should I change the cron time, and send them out around 30 2 * * *

This is where I think the screw up is.  If everyone at H4P is mailing around midnight, and there is a time limit,  then I could see why all of the messages being aren't being sent.   But that still has nothing to do with the Seq#.

My Daily Mail shows from 3- 1000 messages deliverred daily.  And I am really not sure about the messages that have not been deliverred, nor what to do to see how the Delay # got changed.

What should I do now?  Any ideas?  Do you think I should just count my
losses and delete the messages that MAY still being in proccess :D

I especially want everything running the way they should be because I have a good friend that has made me an offer I can't refuse for leads.

And my chance for getting them is coming down to the wire.

You mentioned the timeout fearure with CPanel.  Have you found any
problems running LMP on a CPannel?

Thanks Dean,

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Follow ups Not going out when they should
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2005, 03:29:27 pm »
I have not heard of dailymail stalling on H4P before.  The timing 15 1 * * * should be correct for once per day at 1:15am server time.

You mentioned something about your users still being on Seq # 0 or 1.  Is this true?  If dailymail ran 15 times or more then your users should be at or around the 15th followup (Seq# 15)   You might see just 10 followups being sent per day now because all of your other users have reached the end of the sequence and only new signups are currently receiving followups.

It's a bit tricky to clean up from this.  You have the choice of resuming each of the dailymail events and sending all of the mails, so that your users will have received all of the messages up to their current seq # (End of sequence for some of them).  Alternately, you could delete all of the remaining message queues and choose whether or not to reset your users so they receive the followups again. (Some users might have already received some of them).

Personally, I would Resume each queue individually.  Keep in mind that if you do this all at once some of your users could receive more than one message in a single day.  Doing anything other than this, however, can result in duplicate or missed followups.
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting