Author Topic: Form Mail Script - Can List Mail Pro be used for this also?  (Read 1657 times)


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Form Mail Script - Can List Mail Pro be used for this also?
« on: March 29, 2007, 02:00:13 pm »
Hello Dean,

I have just has List Mail Pro installed on my Dream Host account and was wondering if you can use it as a Email Contact Form. Here is the scenario I was thinking about:

    Create a contact / Survey form on a website (not same server as ListMailPro).

    Site visitor fills in Contact Form / Survey and it is sent to ListMailPro script.

    ListMailPro sends a responder to the person saying thank "You for submitting your Survey" or "Thank You for you email. Your query will be answered shorthly."

    Email from website form also gets forwarded to a designated email address for action.

I am just trying out the script at the moment to see exactly what I can do with it. It would be a bit daft for me to setup a separate formail script if ListMailPro can also do it for me. :P

Thanks a lot



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Form Mail Script - Can List Mail Pro be used for this also?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2007, 06:23:45 pm »
Hi Dave,

You -could- accept a comment in a custom field (textarea) on your signup form, however, ListMail currently only allows editing of custom data on a single-line "input type=text" field.  I plan on providing options for different types of custom fields in future versions.

With "notify when a user subscribes to this list" enabled on the List Settings page you would receive a copy of what the user wrote as a comment, but it would not be easy to reply.

What I recommend is instead of using signup notification, use the included xtra/signup-xtra.php script.  This script could send a separate email to your email address appearing to be "from" the client, therefore allowing you to reply easily.

Code: [Select]
 // comment = user1 (custom field 1)
 $subj = "User Comments";
 $msg = "$fname $lname wrote:
 mail('',$subj,$msg,"From: \"$fname $lname\" <$email>");

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting