Hey DW,
This system is too hard to follow. To say this is easy is the overstatement of the last century. It is beyond difficult with the information provided; it is closer to ridiculous. Good Grief, man, what is missing?
For example, I have 5 follow-ups in my queue for my List 1. The Seq for these are 1,2, 3,4,5. The Delay is 0,0,0,0,0. The Cron is:
Seq 1 Delay 0 Cron **2 (for Tuesday)
Seq 2 Delay 0 Cron **4 (for Thursday)
Seq 3 Delay 0 Cron **6 (for Saturday)
Seq 4 Delay 0 Cron **2 (for Tuesday)
Seq 5 Delay 0 Cron **4 (for Thursday)
I expect these first 5 followups to go out as set by me, and to automatically begin as set when a new subscreiber signs up to my list.
Now, if this is not right, tell me.
If this is right, why, after doing this, and clicking on my List Settings, and then going back to Followups, all of the Cron settings disappear?
What is going on here?

I am bside myself fussing with this system. I have wasted two months of time trying to figure all of this out when if you were on the phone to me directly, had my account open to the followup page for List 1, this would be solved and done in 1 minute, and I could write down the steps and not have to bother you again. I will pay for the phone call. Try (800) 965-6484.
As for the dailymail list, if what you are talking about is the list that tells me how many subscribers I have on each of my mailing lists, then, yes, I was receiving that but do not remember seeing it in recent days. If it is something else, I have no idea what you are talking about. And, why is it that you cannot simply access my account, see if my cron is working, and if not, just fix it?
Ed Bagley