Author Topic: How to send less than 200 emails an hour...  (Read 1718 times)


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How to send less than 200 emails an hour...
« on: August 01, 2006, 05:16:18 am »
My server will only allow 200 emails an I have a list w/300 or so.

How do I set up list mail to space out the emails so I do not go over the limit.

 Right now I have it set to "SMTP" Server

   I'm not sure how to set up the "Internal Sendmail PHP"
   There policy will shut down my account if I go over the limit.

Thanks in advance

   Charles Raines


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How to send less than 200 emails an hour...
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2006, 05:43:36 pm »

While I highly recommend you find a host with no (or much more relaxed) limits on email you can probably get around the limits by using the internal PHP send mail() with delays.

Lets do the math for the delays.

1 hour = 60s * 60s (1 min) = 3600s

Divide that by 200 and we get 18, so 1 email every 18 seconds.

To be safe I would delay to one every 20 seconds, so the delay settings would be 20000 ms per email and 0 mins per X emails.

Again I must recommend finding a host with more relaxed limits on email as sending with SMTP is much more reliable than PHP mail().

I would personally host a list of your size with room for expansion for just $10/mo.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Is this pretty much like "Throttle"?
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2007, 07:44:35 am »
Quote from: "DW"
Lets do the math for the delays.

1 hour = 60s * 60s (1 min) = 3600s

Divide that by 200 and we get 18, so 1 email every 18 seconds.

To be safe I would delay to one every 20 seconds, so the delay settings would be 20000 ms per email and 0 mins per X emails.

Hi Dean! A blast from the past, sorta :-) .. and sorry this is so long...

To cut to the quick... if I ever thought NM was the center of nothingness, I had yet to meet Arizona. Came to teach high level creative software to young geniuses [genii?) in a charter school... it got closed for fraud... I've done two years on Elance and it's a killer, and now back at the helm with the publishing house. Took 2 years 'off' from LMP and let it run on autopilot because my mom passed away Christmas 2004... lots of family issues.

Okay! But this area in central AZ has NO services. DSL arrived via Qwest about 8 mos. ago, and I hopped off the crummy wireless broadband, onto DSL. I've spent the past 6 mos. or so, back at the Autoresponder Hell of years ago, as my host had ANCIENT scripts for mySQL, and much of LMP simply did not work AT ALL. Tried Aweber but you need to do 400 clicks for every action ;-) ... tried Fantastico's PHPlist, just recently as it supposedly has "Throttle" but after two HARD weeks of this, I give up. The Thang just don't work unless you are high level programmer. Some folks claim it works but it does not.

MY ISSUE, Dean, is that I am still on a shared server (Hostgator... MIXED bag, believe me!) and I MUST MUST MUST have LMP throttled, as they have a 200 per hour limit!!!

SO! I need to use this function for "Internal Sendmail PHP mail() (delayed to prevent timeouts)" for now.

I've now set this, per your discussion, to 20000 ms between mails, as you suggested. I also am throwing in a minute after every 50 mails, to be on the safe side.

In the 1.5 or so years that I let things go 'autopilot' ... many of my readers disappeared. But I get a ton of signups from Yahoo'ers and Hotmail'ers and AOL'ers... and these were mostly the ones that went away. I am now dealing with about 500 subscribers down from 1500, but it's growing again.

With PHPlist over the past few days, when I found out for SURE it was not working well, I fed in the old larger list, just to make sure. And weeding out the bounces as they hit from the Mailer-Daemons.

While at the old host with old mySQL scripts, I also had bounce.cgi NOT working at all; the main part of LMP came through like a champ for signups and AR stuff. So now I've got it set using an email account to be processed by DailyMail. The test SAYS it is set up fine and working. So that is coming up today as I send out test mails. Yes, giving up on PHPlist the crummy thing ;-)

OK! Main question... is this function like THROTTLE? The reason I am edgy is the PHPlist SAYS their throttle thingee works, but it does NOT. Hostgator is slamming about 50% of mails sent, as the configuration is obviously not right, even though I've tried several setups from the Forums. This thang is way more difficult to setup than most scripts I've ever installed.

Whew, good to "talk" to you again. Hope all is well up there!

stuck in AZ and wishing for NM or even home stomping grounds of Colorado My Home (they oughtta make a song, huh!) (They DID! Harve Presnell in 60s Unsinkable Molly Brown)  :shock:
Leanne Carson Boyd
Waybill To Adventure, LLC
The Whole Enchilada.


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How to send less than 200 emails an hour...
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2007, 05:12:54 pm »
Hi Leanne,

Good to hear from you again!  You should have contacted me sooner - I would much rather have assisted than have you try out another service or script. If you cannot solve your problems elsewhere I might even offer ListMail hosting, on a subdomain of one of your existing domains, myself. Could it be you missed the chaos of autoresponder hell? (Sounds masochistic!)  I kid.. :)

HostGator is reviewed in the following post, although it sounds like you already know their policy.  There is some information about other hosts, too:
OK! Main question... is this function like THROTTLE? The reason I am edgy is the PHPlist SAYS their throttle thingee works, but it does NOT.

Yes, it's a throttling feature that works.  The thing is, using these delays will cause your script to run for a very long time.  While this is not bad it takes up a web server connection.  A timed-interval "batching system", which ListMail cannot currently do, would be better... maybe I can do that in the future when I do put in SMTP throttling.

Email me, dean@...

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting