Author Topic: How to setup Listmail for multiple add-on domains  (Read 1485 times)


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How to setup Listmail for multiple add-on domains
« on: November 19, 2006, 03:48:43 am »
Hi Dean and fellow members,

I just bought Listmail yesterday! Still in the process of setting it up. Would like to ask for advice for the following:

I am using Hostmonster, which allows unlimited add-on domains. Say I want to start a mailing list for 3 sites - let's call them (main site), (add-on site), (another add-on site).

1. Should I install Listmail separately into each of the domain subfolders? Eg. public_html/siteB, public_html/siteC?  Or should I just install it into the main site ie. siteA, and be able to use Listmail for the other add-on sites?

2. CRONs- is it possible to set up a different CRON for each add-on domain? From Cpanel, there doesn't seem to be such an option. If I just setup a CRON job for the main domain (siteA), does it mean that my other add-on domains can't use Listmail?

Pls advise, thanks a lot!  :)



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How to setup Listmail for multiple add-on domains
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2006, 11:20:43 pm »
Greetings and welcome,
1. Should I install Listmail separately into each of the domain subfolders? Eg. public_html/siteB, public_html/siteC? Or should I just install it into the main site ie. siteA, and be able to use Listmail for the other add-on sites?

You can do it either way, as you prefer.  The main drawback to installing ListMail on a single site is that the ListMail domain will show up in certain places, such as in your messages (remove links, tracked links, etc) and custom HTML address bar, if you don't forward to an external page.
2. CRONs- is it possible to set up a different CRON for each add-on domain? From Cpanel, there doesn't seem to be such an option. If I just setup a CRON job for the main domain (siteA), does it mean that my other add-on domains can't use Listmail?

If ListMail is installed on more than one domain then you can set up more than one cron task.  If you set up just one ListMail installation/database/URL then you will not be able to set up multiple cron tasks.  cPanel should support either option - check out the 'Cron Jobs' section.

Please let me know if you have any more questions!

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2006, 02:28:11 pm »
Hi Dean,

Thanks for the useful advice! I will work on it.  :)

Best wishes,