Author Topic: How to verify Bounce.cgi is working.  (Read 2351 times)


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How to verify Bounce.cgi is working.
« on: December 13, 2004, 02:32:56 pm »
I had my ListMail installed by Tech Support a few months ago. Just sent our first email to about 700 addresses. I know bounce.cgi automatically handles the bounced messages. But I'd like to know how many of those addresses bounced. From the User Database screen, I selected Show Bounced and no addresses are showned. I find it hard to believe that not a single one bounded.

Any assistance.


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Bounce Count
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2004, 02:47:05 pm »
In configuration, you specify how many bounces it takes before a deletion. The default is 3 times in 30 days. With one mailing, you probably would get no bounce removals.

The multiple bounce number is important, because bounces are often temporary, when a server is down, or someone's mail service is offline.


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How to verify Bounce.cgi is working.
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2004, 04:37:14 pm »
To be sure users are flagged as "Bounced" as opposed to being permanently deleted, enable the option "Keep removed users in database but do not mail" for your list.  Also, set up a notification email and enable the bounce notification.

Note: A bug was recently fixed with the bounce notification.  It wasn't being sent.  To be sure you're fixed, re-download the latest distribution from the members area.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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How to verify Bounce.cgi is working.
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2004, 12:09:24 pm »
I guess what I was wanting to know is were in the database are the number of bouced messages stored? I'd image somewhere in the database everytime there's a bounced message it increments a counter for each user.



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How to verify Bounce.cgi is working.
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2004, 02:49:50 pm »
The data is stored in the lm_users table, bounces field.  Data is separated by the ; character.  The first element is the number of bounces and the remaining elements are the date of each bounce.
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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number bounces updating correctly - and removing bounces
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2004, 09:07:56 am »

lm_users table, bounces field. Data is separated by the ; character. The first element is the number of bounces and the remaining elements are the date of each bounce.

It appears this is not working correctly at my site?  Here's what I'm wondering about,

1.) I look in my lm_users bounce field and see this (many times):
Code: [Select]

I also see this:
Code: [Select]

It appears that the NUMBER of bounces is NOT updating properly, unless the number is 1 behind the actual count, is that correct?

2.) I have my lists set to keep Removed Addresses in the database (but not email them).   How are the Bounced records ever removed, IF the number of bounces IS working correctly, wouldn't I suddenly see that the number of Removed Users suddenly gets smaller (when the BOUNCING quota is reached per my setup)?   I currently have my set to REMOVE bounces after 3 bounces in 60 days (I needed the longer time period as I was sending fewer emails in 30 days), but I NEVER seem to see that any bounces are EVER removed...  

3.) I do NOT have the feature turned on to EMail me notification of DailyMail:
Code: [Select]
Send admin a report after Dailymail runs
Does that report include bounce removals, and if I do turn that on I'm afraid of getting a HUGE list - or slowing the server with that Email - since I have over 100K list size, is that a problem, or should I not need be concerned with it?  

Is there some other way to get Bounce Reporting, or is that admin report with Dailymail the only way?

4.) If the Bounces are NOT working correctly, can you give me the select code DW to post into PHPMyAdmin to remove those that have really bounced - as indicated above, I have several that have more than 1 bounce, even though the first number shows '1'....  if it's supposed to be '1' then it is working.

5.) If Bounces are working correctly when would I see them disappear?  After the 3rd bounce I would think... right?  THey would just be removed from the tables - from what I see now I've got all these bounced records but they are not getting deleted yet...

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