Author Topic: html email attachments  (Read 1739 times)


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html email attachments
« on: January 30, 2007, 12:21:46 pm »
:? I can select an image from the /attch folder but it does not show up in the emails i send. If it does attach it dose not show up where it should


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html email attachments
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2007, 08:35:09 pm »

I apologize for the delay - I'm running a little behind today.  To include an image in your message you will need to use HTML.  The image does not necessarily need to be uploaded to the 'attach' folder - you can upload it to anywhere on your web site, such as /images.  The way to include an image in your HTML message is as follows:
Code: [Select]
<img src=""><br>
This is an example message!<br>

Note that the image "src" must be an absolute URL and not relative.  ie. "", not "/images/myimage1.gif".

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance!

Dean Wiebe
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