Author Topic: I lost admin password. How can I get it?  (Read 1679 times)


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I lost admin password. How can I get it?
« on: January 26, 2005, 03:40:50 am »
I forgot admin password.  Therefore I could not get it.  How can I know it?


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I lost admin password. How can I get it?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2005, 05:05:07 pm »
Good question.

You can use PhpMyAdmin to recover the password from the "admpw" field of the "lm_config" table.

Otherwise, you can use the PHP script code below.  Save it to a file (such as "mypassword.php"), upload it to your ListMail directory and browse to it.

Code: [Select]
<?php// show admin password from ListMail$listmail_dir = ".";include($listmail_dir."/config.php");include($listmail_dir."/admin.php");$link = mysql_connect($sqlhost, $sqluser, $sqlpass) or die("Can't connect to MySQL");mysql_selectdb($sqldb) or die("Can't select database, does it exist?");echo "retrieving password.. ";$row = mysql_query("select admpw from $ctable where 1");if(mysql_num_rows($row)>0){	list($pw)=mysql_fetch_row($row);	echo "  your password is <b>$pw</b><br>";} else {	echo "<b>  could not read config!</b><br>";}?>
Dean Wiebe
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