Did you get this started?
I have done similar scripts to this and would be willing to help out for a token payment of $10 or so to paypal @listmailpro.com
I need something like this. I have hundreds of messages - sitting adding/arranging/sorting them in the Followups page is ridiculously time consuming - I'm on my 3rd day trying to get a change in the order of the messages, add to some messages, change some, and rearrange others.
I need a simple import, that will IMPORT into a SET (as the load/save set that appear on the Followups page). I need an import to go into a set, ask me for the set name, and then IMPORT the text (much the same way as importing users) - the easiest for me would be 1 line per followup (not sure if that's possible, but here's the order for each row:
How about ask me what the seperator is and then the followups are all in one file - like this (below I use '#' as the seperator):
followup1# 1# 0# #Hi !fname,
Here's my first message to you as a test.
Hope you like it.
#followup2# 2# 3# #Hi !fname,
Did you like my first followup - here's my second.
How about it? I need it right away, it's taking me days to do this manually, and I already have the subject lines, text, in files.