Is there a field I can add to the URL string to capture the page URL? I thought maybe ?ref= but that didn't seem to work.
This is currently not possible but would be with a very simple modification to signup.php.
Look for
$refurl = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];
near line 55 and change it to this:
if(!$refurl) $refurl = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];
Then you can use ?refurl=...
I recommend documenting this custom change as it will be overwritten by updates.
Also, if you could speak to me a little bit about the effect of overwrites with your program. I'm not quite sure of the implications between using allowing dups, overwrites, etc.
Allow dupes will allow duplicate email addresses on your list and is not really recommended. The dupe checking when adding users on the User Database page, for example, is not set up to handle this, really.
Overwrite dupes deletes the old record and creates a new one instead of giving an error message on signup. This would be good if you need the most recent date the user purchased a product, for example.
Ignore dupes is currently not a feature of signup.php but is useful if, for example, you are delivering a web page just for entering ones email address.
All of the signup form options are somewhat prone to abuse so I am thinking to create a feature where you can set up form options right in ListMail. Each set of options (list #, overwrite/ignore, custom seq #, etc. etc) would be saved with a hard-to-guess ID you would use in your HTML.
Something for the future, anyway.

Let me know if I can clarify further...