Author Topic: Issue with additional operations feature  (Read 1691 times)


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Issue with additional operations feature
« on: September 28, 2006, 01:36:40 am »
I create a seperate list for each place I gather leads for my business.

I have the leads from the sub lists added to my main list # 1 so that I can mail to it and all the leads in that list are unique.

I use this option below to make sure all my sublists and the main list is current.

When users are removed from this list also remove them from the following list(s):

It stops letting us add new list after so many characters in that field. I was able to go into the admin and add in some list numbers to the db table but I wanted to know if you can tell me how to make it so I can still add in list numbers from each list's list settings screen.

Another idea would be to have an option in that area for us to check off that we want users removed from all lists on the system.

This would fall in line with Can Spam laws since when a user request to be unsubscribed we are supposed to by law take them from every list they are on in our company.

So could you offer some code tweek that I could add into that Additional Operations area that will allow me to 1 add in more list numbers into that field and two a option for me to check that will automatically remove the user from every list in our db?

This would be much appreciated.

Thanks again for a great script.
Richard Wing

"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you can sell him all kinds of fishing equiptment!" ;)


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Issue with additional operations feature
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2006, 02:44:11 am »
You appear to be reaching the field size limit for the additional operations section.  The current setting is 100 characters for all fields.  To increase this to 255 characters the following command would need to be run using a tool like PhpMyAdmin.  Alternately you can browse to replacing with your ListMail domain and folder.
Code: [Select]
I have added this change to the next ListMail update for all.
This would fall in line with Can Spam laws since when a user request to be unsubscribed we are supposed to by law take them from every list they are on in our company.

Do you know about the new Remove Link options?  You can now set up remove links to remove users from all lists.  Using this you might not need to use additional options at all.  Click 'Edit' next to your Remove Link message code.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Issue with additional operations feature
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2006, 12:41:58 pm »
Thank you Dean.

I created the !removeall code and will use that as well as the !remove code on the same emails

Have a great day.
Richard Wing

"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you can sell him all kinds of fishing equiptment!" ;)