Author Topic: List Settings - Do they overwrite duplicates?  (Read 1632 times)


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List Settings - Do they overwrite duplicates?
« on: October 29, 2007, 06:15:30 pm »
I have two settings in my List Settings for list 33:

1. When users are added to this list also add them to the following list(s): 3
2. Move users who reach end of followup sequence to List 2 Seq 1 Del 0

As you can see, when they are added to List 33, they are also added to List 3 automatically... and then, when the sequence ends, they are added to List 2.

My question is this - in any situation, are duplicates in the other lists overwritten?  If they are already a member of List 2, will their information be updated with the newer info during this automated process?


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List Settings - Do they overwrite duplicates?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2007, 12:15:42 pm »
Looking at the code I am not sure that duplicates are properly checked for by this feature... :oops:  The program will remove the duplicate record IF it exists as anything -other- than active, however... Give it a try - I think you might find it does create a duplicate...  If I'm right, then (for now) this feature is better for adding users to lists that do not have potential duplicates (and this will be moved to development).

Dean Wiebe
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